The Us, the Them, and the Ignored

This was gonna be my response in that free pussy for sale thread but I figured I'd contributed a real thread because... often I really like my coed peeps...

but quite frankly I'm sick of most of ya'll right about now.

I will never put someone here on ignore.

Reason being, I know that hearing what people have to say (not being able to see them here online) is the 2nd best way to analyze another human being.

Since all of these people are in close proximity to my job/livelihood, I know it's in my best interest to keep my ear to the ground while my eye (or hands!) go for the prize.

Analyzing people and understanding them allows you to know how to get along with most of them... but not without some adapting on your part of course.

Notice I said how to GET ALONG. I didn't say be best friends with and I certainly didn't say have them licking your ass every chance ya'll get.

If having someone else's approval is ones main goal in life. They have already failed miserably. Having people's respect is more what you want.

More so than any of these things, being the most helpful is:

Knowing what people REALLY think of you.

If you fail to see every other client/provider blowing smoke up your ass is not likely to snap on you like the most loyal of Chow hounds, you are sadly mistaken.

This is a volatile environment. So no matter how long you keep your rose color glasses glued to your face, you are bound to see some shit go down.

It seems these days humans are so stuck on being superior, they forget basic animalistic tendencies are still apart of our genetic makeup for a reason. If you are at all a part of the evolutionary process you will learn to adapt to your environment to survive.

Wait, this is fantasy land.

Yeah, ok. *eye roll*

These lil "oh you're fat and old", "oh no YOU'RE old and fat" battles are child's play.

Save your energy for the real war.
Maybe by that time you will have more allies than enemy's.

nuglet's Avatar
Well Said m'lady.
But they don't hear me tho.

I's okay mang.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
But they don't hear me tho. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Did yew say sump'in? Ah wuz busy touchin' mah self whilst lookin' at pitchers o' yer big ol' titties!
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 05-06-2015, 01:35 PM
David you are such a class act.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah don't know whut she said, but Ah still blames Obama.
Did yew say sump'in? Ah wuz busy touchin' mah self whilst lookin' at pitchers o' yer big ol' titties! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Aww don't worry, what you ignore the subconscious will absorb!

Perhaps some of ya'll will grow up and learn to use a filter for the bs that life will throw at your from all sides.

Get ahold of your self esteem and learn to sustain it even in the face of bullying. It's called overcoming challenges, they make you a better person.

All of mudslinging from both sides is unbecoming.

This is coming from a sincerely sensitive Sally who has had her fair share of back-and-forths in coed.

I do my damnedest not to resort to calling people on their obvious shortcomings but to argue the issue at hand, say my piece and let the rest roll off. At the same time I welcome the self-posting-alert behavior and use it to my advantage.

Try it.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Aww don't worry, what you ignore the subconscious will absorb! Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Ah dunno 'bout thet. Ah'm a purdy hard-haided sonuvagun.
Ah dunno 'bout thet. Ah'm a purdy hard-haided sonuvagun. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
It's ok David. Once we get through the first layer we'll have plenty of room to work with so... Yeah, it's cool.
fun2come's Avatar
Well thanks for reading and bumping my post guy.
fun2come's Avatar

I'll add to your post:

Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
Originally Posted by fun2come
Stop smiling at me like that. It's creeping me out.
I'm not the one giving poundings. I think you're looking for Sue.

I'll add to your post:

Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. Originally Posted by fun2come


P.S. I did think of you when I was waiting in long ass line for a drink at
Reggae Fest.

This guy was selling Bavarian candied nuts and he kept screaming out how we should buy some b/c his wife likes the taste of his nuts.

I thought that's got to be F2C's twin: Fun2.0come.