North Korea executions

VitaMan's Avatar
Reports estimate about 400 people that got out of favor were executed last year.

The preferred method is firing squad by anti aircraft guns. There is nothing left of
the person to be found.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
and your point is?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Reports estimate about 400 people that got out of favor were executed last year.

The preferred method is firing squad by anti aircraft guns. There is nothing left of
the person to be found. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Ack-Ack is probably reserved for executions of political importance, along with mortar bombs and flamethrowers. Little Kim's former girlfriend was said to have been machine gunned. Most executions are probably the old tried-and-true Stalinist bullet to the brainstem, which the prisoner never sees coming. That method is probably a lot more merciful than lethal injection and maybe more merciful than Nork concentration camp.

China admits to around 4,000 executions per year using the bullet to the brainstem; then the pricks make the prisoner's family pay for the bullet.
pyramider's Avatar
Reports estimate about 400 people that got out of favor were executed last year.

The preferred method is firing squad by anti aircraft guns. There is nothing left of
the person to be found. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Sounds like a family reunion over there.
and your point is? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
He doesn't have a point. He just wants attention
Grace Preston's Avatar
I heard that death by Snu-Snu was still the preferred method.