Watch these morons cheer for higher taxes on the middle class.

TheDaliLama's Avatar

“Because while Warren is standing up for a fairer tax code, Trump wants to cut taxes for the super-rich,” said Clinton. “Well, we’re not going there, my friends. I’m telling you, right now - we’re going to write fairer rules for the middle class and we are going to raise taxes on the middle class!”

Presumably a slip of the tongue, Clinton’s comment came amid broader Marxist-themed demagoguery about forcing “the wealthy” to “pay their fair share” of taxes.

Buffet was praised for comments he made in 2012 where he claimed to pay a lower percentage of his income as federal tax than his secretary, feeding into the Occupy Wall Street movement’s class warfare narratives.

No comments were made about the approximately 45% of Americans who do not pay federal income taxes. In 2014, between 51 and 55 percent of total federal income taxes were paid by individuals earning $250,000 or more.

Clinton did not articulate any limiting principle as to what share of GDP should be composed of governmental spending. No upper limit for taxation was articulated, either.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well her husband did it back in the 90s, why not her too. At least we can point to one instance when Hillary was being Truthful.
these people dont care about any tax raise, middle class or otherwise

they want things and taking is their method

you know how wall street analysts discuss a given company's dividend and how it is protected or covered as a percentage of free cash flow?

its the same thing for government employees

raise taxes to keep the benefits, health insurance, retirement, sick leave days, holidays, vacations, training days, conventions and morale trips, and great salaries coming and the hell with you conservatives. conservatives are accused of being selfish when its the exact opposite

and yeah we need to pay all these big salaries and benefits for the children
Dali - did you happen to find out if it was a slip?
Funny the same people that are worried about who pays federal income taxes and who doesn't are the same ones that making sure they hire some tax Pro so they can get off paying as little as possible...
gfejunkie's Avatar
Be careful, Dali. The DickMuncherman will come along and accuse you of editing the video like he did me...
It shows how much the crowd is listening. She could have just as easily have said........"you people are a bunch of morons".

Of course, that would be one of the only truthful things she said all day.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Whether it was a slip or not, those morons still cheered for it.
  • jma9
  • 08-04-2016, 05:39 PM
Those brain dead morons have no idea why they are clapping and cheering any more than they know why they are voting for her. She raises her voice and starts pointing her booger picker and they just start clapping and cheering on cue. I wouldn't be surprised if there is an applause sign somewhere in the room with Huma Weiner flipping the on/off switch.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Whether it was a slip or not, those morons still cheered for it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And so did Warren Buffett.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-04-2016, 07:57 PM
its the same thing for government employees

raise taxes to keep the benefits, health insurance, retirement, sick leave days, holidays, vacations, training days, conventions and morale trips, and great salaries coming Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
What an amazing piece of clueless stupidity on your part.

The news tonight just talked about the CEO of Viacom having a half-billion dollar compensation package. Yes, B, not M. At the same time grading out as one of the worst CEOs of a major company in terms of performance.

How many gov't employees have half-billion dollar deals?

Or check the average experience of "senior" contract lawyers for the gov't, or software engineers, or cyber security, or physical therapists. It is amazingly low because they get scarfed up by industry for 2 to 4 times the salary.

Next time you gripe about the price of an "F-88", look at the typical negotiating teams on major ACAT-I contracts: "Boeing" has a team of 10 lawyers, half with 30+ years of contract law experience. The AF might counter with three, two of whom at Captains with 4 years experience each. Any guess who the contract deal is lopsided in favor of?

A "big bonus" last year for a senior gov't engineer on a major project that has passed every test with flying colors so far? $850. The contractor's senior engineer? $35,000. But in your mind which one is overpaid? The gov't one of course. [Before you ask my bonus, I am an independent consultant so mine was $0.]

Take your whining crybaby BS and shove it. Your post sounds like nothing but the jealous sour grapes of a person who was not hired to be a WG-1 floor sweeper. I am sorry you don't get sick days, holidays, vacation, or training. I guess life sucks when you are a day laborer. And who would want a TRAINED gov't worker anyway? Total waste in your mind, right?

Morale trips? Other than deployed military I don't know a lot of those.

Conventions? I volunteered (that mean no pay in case you have difficulty with 11-letter words) at a mid sized convention this summer. The contractor attendees generally stayed in the fancy hotel at $300 a night or so. A lot of the government attendees drove about 80 miles round trip each day in DC traffic because the gov't wouldn't pay per diem. Another one of your "good deals"?
ManAssMuncher(MAM) bait...

Liberals Are Cultural Suicide Bombers
What an amazing piece of clueless stupidity on your part.

The news tonight just talked about the CEO of Viacom having a half-billion dollar compensation package. Yes, B, not M. At the same time grading out as one of the worst CEOs of a major company in terms of performance.

How many gov't employees have half-billion dollar deals?

Or check the average experience of "senior" contract lawyers for the gov't, or software engineers, or cyber security, or physical therapists. It is amazingly low because they get scarfed up by industry for 2 to 4 times the salary.

Next time you gripe about the price of an "F-88", look at the typical negotiating teams on major ACAT-I contracts: "Boeing" has a team of 10 lawyers, half with 30+ years of contract law experience. The AF might counter with three, two of whom at Captains with 4 years experience each. Any guess who the contract deal is lopsided in favor of?

A "big bonus" last year for a senior gov't engineer on a major project that has passed every test with flying colors so far? $850. The contractor's senior engineer? $35,000. But in your mind which one is overpaid? The gov't one of course. [Before you ask my bonus, I am an independent consultant so mine was $0.]

Take your whining crybaby BS and shove it. Your post sounds like nothing but the jealous sour grapes of a person who was not hired to be a WG-1 floor sweeper. I am sorry you don't get sick days, holidays, vacation, or training. I guess life sucks when you are a day laborer. And who would want a TRAINED gov't worker anyway? Total waste in your mind, right?

Morale trips? Other than deployed military I don't know a lot of those.

Conventions? I volunteered (that mean no pay in case you have difficulty with 11-letter words) at a mid sized convention this summer. The contractor attendees generally stayed in the fancy hotel at $300 a night or so. A lot of the government attendees drove about 80 miles round trip each day in DC traffic because the gov't wouldn't pay per diem. Another one of your "good deals"?
Originally Posted by Old-T

DJT is going eliminate your Ne0zombie job, 0ld-Trollop!

lustylad's Avatar
The news tonight just talked about the CEO of Viacom having a half-billion dollar compensation package. Yes, B, not M. At the same time grading out as one of the worst CEOs of a major company in terms of performance.

How many gov't employees have half-billion dollar deals?
Originally Posted by Old-T
Wrong. I own stock in Viacom so I looked it up. I agree the CEO is overpaid, but he doesn't get anywhere near half a billion dollars a year. According to this link, he received $425 million over a 5-year period. Most of that (over 90%) is in the form of Viacom stock or stock options, so there are multiple ways to calculate his compensation package.

No need for you to exaggerate to make a point, Old Twinkle.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-05-2016, 04:30 AM
I apologize for my lack of clarity--I was referring to the [near] half-billion total compensation package, not annually.