Think it can't happen ?

It already has......during Katrina.

With national registration; they will be coming for our guns !

Here is the story of what many think "it can't happen here."
bojulay's Avatar
All they need is an order and they will do it by force
and without hesitation. They would also line you up and
shoot you in the back of the head. Government drones.

How many people truly understand that the constitution
is really for our protection against corrupted government.
mansfield's Avatar
Could get interesting. Many local and state LE types have said publicly and privately that they will not support or participate in anything like this.

Will see if that holds true if we actually get to that point. Personally I don't even think we'll see another "assault weapon" ban let alone registration.

Obama may not care about reelection, but Congresscritters sure do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Move underground, Whirlyturd
There Whirly, I fixed it for you!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Yeah, cool! I'm gonna finish my free chicken and stuff my jeans full of the cash from the 'Bama drone drops, get my free Obama phone, load my AK and help them out! LOL We're just going to take the guns from the Tea Party and Militia types and once we all rejoin the Communist party and put our red bomber jackets on with the large yellow star we can walk around with our AK and the banana clips as long as we have our party membership to show at the check points. Can't wait!

Yeah, but we learned from Ruby Ridge and Waco so we have a secret glue gun and we will wait outside your house 'til you come out for groceries or a 40oz and just stick you all together so you can't shoot or resist or nothin. Bam, your helpless when you least expect it! Then we disarm you and go in and take your guns and give them away to lazy shiftless Obama voters....the 47%! Yea! Be afraid, very very afraid!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-31-2012, 02:07 PM
now all the government has to do is find the funding for a coast to coast, border to border campaign to get every gun in every closet in every home ... yanno, when they cant find the funding to to run the country to start with .. or fund illegal immigration, or, or or ...

all of the "theres a muslim under my bed crowd" seems to be on board with this gun confiscation scenario which explains the ending ...
now all the government has to do is find the funding for a coast to coast, border to border campaign to get every gun in every closet in every home ... yanno, when they cant find the funding to to run the country to start with .. or fund illegal immigration, or, or or ...

all of the "theres a muslim under my bed crowd" seems to be on board with this gun confiscation scenario which explains the ending ... Originally Posted by CJ7

I love it, CJ7!

More maroon alert material!

Oh Shit!

Is that confiscation drive this weekend or next weekend? I mean they're gonna have to do it all at once so you can't stash them at your neighbor's house. How deep do to I have to bury mine to keep the metal detectors from beeping when they sweep my yard?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-31-2012, 02:57 PM
wonder how long it will take to get all the search warrants together AFTER they prove probable cause to a judge?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Like probable cause means anything anymore. You people just have no comprehension.
You people just have no comprehension. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You should FIRST try explaining the logistics of your foolish theory to YOURSELF before you poke fun at anyone else's "comprehension"!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Even when I explain it, Stevie, you won't understand. That is what comprehension is all about. You don't even comprehend that. Where would I begin?

TexTushHog's Avatar
Put another layer of tinfoil in your hat, COG. I think those radio waves are coming in too strong.