Mounting evidence raises questions about Syrian chemical weapon attack

We got sucked into a war with bad intelligence before.......remain skeptical of what the Obama administration is tell us !
The Obama team of nitwits who are watching out for us:

2 months ago:

"...Russia has called on Turkey to share its findings in the case of Syrian rebels who were seized on the Turkish-Syrian border with a 2kg cylinder full of nerve gas sarin...."
Mounting evidence raises questions about Syrian chemical weapon attack

We got sucked into a war with bad intelligence before.......remain skeptical of what the Obama administration is tell us ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That prick Assad said PROVE IT!!!
Mounting evidence raises questions about Syrian chemical weapon attack

We got sucked into a war with bad intelligence before.......remain skeptical of what the Obama administration is tell us ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So u think Assad didnt do it?
I think we don't know; I don't trust our intelligence to get it right; I don't trust the Obama administration to get it right;

We should stay the fuck out of this mess.........this doesn't represent a threat to us; much less an imminent threat as Kerry laid out on Friday !

And could this be a set up by the anti-assad groups ?

Yes. It has happened before.
LexusLover's Avatar
Well, we know ASSAD didn't "do it" ....

... as for Kerry ... he has already exaggerated the numbers gassed and his photo was bogus.

We need to start calling him BP-Kerry.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Why would Assad gas the people when he was winning the war and knew we might intervene! I say there is a chance he did not, but it is so confused we should go slowly.
Mainly, I don't want their missiles flying into Tel Aviv!
In today's testimony Kerry said it was a slam dunk that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people................

HAHAHA..........remind you of something ????????????

What a bunch of keystone cops running our foreign policy !!!!!!!!!

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-03-2013, 03:25 PM
I just don't want anything to do with it. Let em kill each other. I don't give a shit about the Jew state either let them solve their own problems for once.
LexusLover's Avatar
In today's testimony Kerry said it was a slam dunk that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people................

HAHAHA..........remind you of something ????????????

What a bunch of keystone cops running our foreign policy !!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did he use the words ... "slam dunk" .... please tell me he didn't!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-03-2013, 05:21 PM
I wish you chicken hawks would have been as skeptical in 2003!
Why would Assad gas the people when he was winning the war and knew we might intervene! I say there is a chance he did not, but it is so confused we should go slowly.
Mainly, I don't want their missiles flying into Tel Aviv! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
How are those reservations?
I wish you chicken hawks would have been as skeptical in 2003! Originally Posted by WTF
I wish you chicken shits would have been as skeptical in 1994.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-03-2013, 06:51 PM
I wish you chicken shits would have been as skeptical in 1994. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You chicken hawks are chicken shits...sending others kids off to war to keep you from be a scardy kat at night.