Faux News anchor admits getting her news from CNN.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-18-2014, 02:25 PM
you've done it now, every loyal Fox watcher on this bard will have a heart attcck
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I read the link....is there some kind of story here? I did like the Kurtz comments.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-18-2014, 02:44 PM
I read the link....is there some kind of story here? I did like the Kurtz comments. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

you've been Fox'ed ...deal with it
The CNN bashers are sucking up their news from CNNFOX LMAO.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-18-2014, 03:21 PM
The CNN bashers are sucking up their news from CNNFOX LMAO. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

the Foxers should be happy ... CNN broke the Benghazi story..

Where are the fox bats now?
I've got news for you. They all get news from each other.
SSSSh don't tell the fox news junkies.


Wierd. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
I know the reason why you posted this. It just so happens that the Main Stream Media, that includes Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBS and any other main stream media sources do not give the American public accurate information that we have the right to know. Fox News is nothing more than Political Show Biz and the others are just a less colorful version of Fox. This clip is from RT with Abby Martin towards the end of the clip her Guest gives the real scoop of the main stream media and how they present the News.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
you've been Fox'ed ...deal with it Originally Posted by CJ7
I wasn't anything. However, someone has admitted that they watch FOX news haven't they?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I know the reason why you posted this. It just so happens that the Main Stream Media, that includes Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBS and any other main stream media sources do not give the American public accurate information that we have the right to know. Fox News is nothing more than Political Show Biz and the others are just a less colorful version of Fox. This clip is from RT with Abby Martin towards the end of the clip her Guest gives the real scoop of the main stream media and how they present the News.


Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 12:03 PM
I wasn't anything. However, someone has admitted that they watch FOX news haven't they? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I know, you never have been anything ... I admit I scan and listen to several different news sources getting different opinions, but to sit and watch any of them ain't gonna happen.
This is a clip of how the Mainstream Media truly presents the news to us. Of course some of you may not be able to handle it but that's the fun of it. Those of you who are truly in touch with yourselves and the world around you will know it's par for the course and simply have a good laugh.
