End Demand lunatics ... when will we unite?

exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
So I don't know if you've been made aware of a long time radical feminist agenda to "end demand" but thanks to how much their whining can be heard on social media, they are changing laws worldwide. Bill C36 in Canada recently made headway calling every sex worker a victim.

The idea is to call every John a sex offender, eventually slap the same charges on a hobbyist as you would a child molester. Honestly, if more people don't argue against them, they will in the next 5-10 years.

While you guys are worried about Obama or Hillary and gun rights...you are being poised for long prison sentences including but not limited to lots of prison rape which you get to receive for not speaking up. You will be felons, unable to live near schools, the whole shebang.

Time to fight back against the end demand hate movement which claims every provider is a slave and coerced.

Time to wake up and for once let your voice be heard about what actually does matter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There are women that are going around to the local churches and speaking about sex trafficking and lump all prostitution under that umbrella. The idea is to motivate the grassroots to support the legislation that they will get presented in the various states. I have no linck to this other than a first hand account from friends that attend church.

The idea is to do just as in the war on drugs and punish the consumer with extreme penalites which does not work and never will.

The influx of illegal immigrants has increased the supply lines for the very vices these people bring with them. Most of the trafficked women are working in cantinas and brothels run by the cartels. The cartels are supplying the demand that the illegals are accustomed to from their own countries where prostitution is neither legal or illegal.

These people believe that if they pick enough of the low hanging fruit they will somehow make a difference yet do not do a thing to deal with the pimps that should be the targets.

Most Americans are not aware of the cultural differences as it relates to prostitution. There is a disconnect where they do not realize that many women choose prostitution as a profession where some really enjoy what they do, to the same old, "it is a job" mentality that allows them to make good money.

The idea that they can eliminate demand by making the punishment worse rather than to go after the traffickers is just pushing a rope and further making us a society of jailers. It does not matter which side of the fence you are on, it is all about control of the people.
There are women that are going around to the local churches and speaking about sex trafficking and lump all prostitution under that umbrella. The idea is to motivate the grassroots to support the legislation that they will get presented in the various states. I have no linck to this other than a first hand account from friends that attend church.

The idea is to do just as in the war on drugs and punish the consumer with extreme penalites which does not work and never will.

The influx of illegal immigrants has increased the supply lines for the very vices these people bring with them. Most of the trafficked women are working in cantinas and brothels run by the cartels. The cartels are supplying the demand that the illegals are accustomed to from their own countries where prostitution is neither legal or illegal.

These people believe that if they pick enough of the low hanging fruit they will somehow make a difference yet do not do a thing to deal with the pimps that should be the targets.

Most Americans are not aware of the cultural differences as it relates to prostitution. There is a disconnect where they do not realize that many women choose prostitution as a profession where some really enjoy what they do, to the same old, "it is a job" mentality that allows them to make good money.

The idea that they can eliminate demand by making the punishment worse rather than to go after the traffickers is just pushing a rope and further making us a society of jailers. It does not matter which side of the fence you are on, it is all about control of the people. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The percentage of women who actually choose it of their own volition is pretty small I would guess.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So many elected law makers get caught in a sting that I'm not too worried.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So if that is the case then I believe that of the 17 reviews that you wrote, the majority of the women you paid to engage in intercourse are trafficked and have a manager, pimp, or owner. It would be the law of averages to lead to that conclusion.
Do you know the name of the pimp that lets his women keep almost sixty percent of what they earn?
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
@Under Construction dude, if you think that's the case would you honestly morally be able to do it? If so, why not ask one of the many thousands of providers you can talk to who are indie and consenting.
So if that is the case then I believe that of the 17 reviews that you wrote, the majority of the women you paid to engage in intercourse are trafficked and have a manager, pimp, or owner. It would be the law of averages to lead to that conclusion.
Do you know the name of the pimp that lets his women keep almost sixty percent of what they earn? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
@Under Construction dude, if you think that's the case would you honestly morally be able to do it? If so, why not ask one of the many thousands of providers you can talk to who are indie and consenting. Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer
You both misunderstood me. Volition is the act of making a choice. I meant it probably wasn't their first choice in life. I doubt girls grow up wanting to be a hooker. Life gets in the way, I'm sure. Do either one of you think most of them are doing it because they love it? Some do I guess, but I doubt most do. They love the money.
The percentage of women who actually choose it of their own volition is pretty small I would guess. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I know... undercuntalinsky stirs unrest

Rules for Radicals Quotes (showing 1-23 of 23)
“Curiosity and irreverence go together. Curiosity cannot exist without the other. Curiosity asks, "Is this true?" "Just because this has always been the way, is the best or right way of life, the best or right religion, political or economic value, morality?" To the questioner, nothing is sacred. He detests dogma, defies any finite definition of morality, rebels against any repression of a free, open search of ideas no matter where they may lead. He is challenging, insulting, agitating, discrediting. He stirs unrest.”
― Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals
You both misunderstood me. Volition is the act of making a choice. I meant it probably wasn't their first choice in life. I doubt girls grow up wanting to be a hooker. Life gets in the way, I'm sure. Do either one of you think most of them are doing it because they love it? Some do I guess, but I doubt most do. They love the money. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well, now you've met one hooker that chose this occupation of her own volition. Hi there, pleased to meecha

Yes, I did indeed fantasize about being a whore even as a teenager. Thanks to the internet, my fantasies of being a prostitute were able to become reality. Almost 9 years later, still going strong, and still loving it.

We may not be the majority of sex workers, but we DO exist, and we are actually more common than you would realize.

Lastly, why a woman chooses to do this occupation - love of money, lack of job opportunities, or just love of sex - is her business. As long as no one forced her, then it doesn't matter, its her choice.
Well, now you've met one hooker that chose this occupation of her own volition. Hi there, pleased to meecha

Yes, I did indeed fantasize about being a whore even as a teenager. Thanks to the internet, my fantasies of being a prostitute were able to become reality. Almost 9 years later, still going strong, and still loving it.

We may not be the majority of sex workers, but we DO exist, and we are actually more common than you would realize.

Lastly, why a woman chooses to do this occupation - love of money, lack of job opportunities, or just love of sex - is her business. As long as no one forced her, then it doesn't matter, its her choice. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I didn't say you didn't exist, but you agree that you're not in the majority. And I agree with you, as long as she isn't being pimped, etc., it's her choice.
you agree that you're not in the majority. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
undercuntalinsky's opinion on this subject PROVES HE'S A CLOWN and a PLANT. He should disappear NOW!
undercuntalinsky's opinion on this subject PROVES HE'S A CLOWN and a PLANT. He should disappear NOW! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
says the guy with no reviews. You need to get laid. You seem tense.

suck a Dick Butkus
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, you're a clown and a plant (ficus?). I do have reviews.
Okay, you're a clown and a plant (ficus?). I do have reviews. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I knew *Staff Edit - JCM was also you, but no, you have your accounts confused. I quote him and you reply... did you forget which account you were logged into?