The Kavanaugh Hearing..... I Hope America Was Watching

I sat in my office and watched the entire thing.

I watched a woman who looked like she was on Valium accuse a man of what amounts to a Felony. All of the news Pundits, including those on Fox, thought it was over.

That is, untill Brett Kavanaugh came out swinging. His attitude was "fuck you, I'm not going taking any more of your shit".

He totally embarrassed the Democrat. As he talked, something else happened. The Republicans suddenly started growing some balls. One after another, they inviserated the Democrats, openngly calling them out for making a mockery of our political system.

The winners......Brett Kavanaugh and the Republicans. And President Trump.

The big losers.......every Democrat for being exposed for being the lying pieces of shit that they are.

The victim.....Ms Dr Ford. She was used.

She has learned. She trusted Senator DiFi. She found out that you can't pet a rattlesnake.
winn dixie's Avatar
Agree. However THAT rattlesnake has several heads. Clinton and Soros being 2 of the others.

I saw the dims lies and condescending back handed remarks exposed as the vile sewer sledge that it is.
And I saw Judge K. come out as someone should that has been a victim of a cowardice plot to be discredited and embarrassed. He came out and blasted the dims. plot and exposed their hateful ways. I hope everyone saw what the dims. did in front of this mans family. Complete farce ! Inspector Gadget could solve this case in 30 seconds. There are some fatter bank accounts tonight..
The winners......Brett Kavanaugh and the Republicans. And President Trump.

The big losers.......every Democrat for being exposed for being the lying pieces of shit that they are. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I hope to hell you are right.. Tomorrow we will see.

She has learned. She trusted Senator DiFi. She found out that you can't pet a rattlesnake. Originally Posted by Jackie S
bambino's Avatar
The Democratic thuggery was on full display. Kavanaugh dressed them down. Reduced them to talking about beer, yearbooks and farts. Disgraceful. Fienstien took a beating. She should resign.
I hate to do this but here we go.......

Reason for Dr. Ford to lie.....none
Reason for Kavanaugh to lie....a lifetime appointment to the Everest of law.

If this was a scam, sham, con or whatever...why didn't the Dems pull this shit on Gorsuch?

I wonder if you guys are getting your dick sucked by the girls at Fox news...get a clue!
[QUOTE=badboytimmay;1060940708]I hate to do this but here we go.......

Reason for Dr. Ford to lie.....none
Reason for Kavanaugh to lie....a lifetime appointment to the Everest of law.

If this was a scam, sham, con or whatever...why didn't the Dems pull this shit on Gorsuch?

I wonder if you guys are getting your dick sucked by the girls at Fox news...get a clue![/QUOT

Dr. Ford has some serious mental problems. How many sedatives did they pump into her yesterday in order to get her to stay on script.

She came across as clueless. This woman has a PHD?? That doesn't say much for our education system.

And speaking of education. Dr. Ford is a teacher. Is this what parents are spending their life savings on in Universities all over the Country. This is teaching our kids?

Before yesterday, I actually thought that Dr Ford had endured some type of traumatic episode in her life. Yesterday convinced me that it's all in her head.
I hate to do this but here we go.......

If this was a scam, sham, con or whatever...why didn't the Dems pull this shit on Gorsuch?
Originally Posted by badboytimmay
Two words...SWING VOTE!!
bambino's Avatar
I hate to do this but here we go.......

Reason for Dr. Ford to lie.....none
Reason for Kavanaugh to lie....a lifetime appointment to the Everest of law.

If this was a scam, sham, con or whatever...why didn't the Dems pull this shit on Gorsuch?

I wonder if you guys are getting your dick sucked by the girls at Fox news...get a clue! Originally Posted by badboytimmay
If you were watching you would know the three other people who she said Kavanaugh did it say they weren’t at such a party. Including her friend who says she doesn’t know Kavanaugh. Ford doesn’t know how she got there and how she got home. This bullshit would never make it to a court of law. Kavanuagh on the other hand had a calendar of where he was everyday that summer. Hundreds of women who vouched for his character. She can go back to wearing her pink vagina hat at anti Trump rallies. Kavanaugh will take his place on the SCOTUS. Deal with it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YeH, I saw a spoiled little frat rat have a total meltdown and prove his partisanship, illustrating beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has neither the temperament nor the honesty to sit on the highest court.

His tantrum yesterday was for the benefit of an audience of one.

Trump’s unwillingness to acknowledge the accusers (despite his insincere TelePrompTer statements) will cost him beyond even his twisted nightmares.

It was a bad day for democracy. B
bambino's Avatar
YeH, I saw a spoiled little frat rat have a total meltdown and prove his partisanship, illustrating beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has neither the temperament nor the honesty to sit on the highest court.

His tantrum yesterday was for the benefit of an audience of one.

Trump’s unwillingness to acknowledge the accusers (despite his insincere TelePrompTer statements) will cost him beyond even his twisted nightmares.

It was a bad day for democracy. B Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
At least you got the last sentence right. But at least democracy will prevail in the end. Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus

i'm a viet nam hero

senator blumenthal

i cant fly, i was too traumatized when i was 15


notice how bumbling and evasive she got when asked about the operatives pulling her strings?

she's landed on Judge Kavanaugh as the source and cause of her trauma, when most likely it was another and her innate fragility and instability working in tandem

if she had only stubbed her toe at 10, she would have her great injury to focus on and obsess about and kavanaugh would have been the boy who somehow caused her to stumble

she's wrapped up, held on to, become a self-made heroine from and nurtured and obsessed about her "wound's" deep in her hypothalamus till they have become real

she's confused, fragile, used and also, as a trump hater, willing
Chung Tran's Avatar
This bullshit would never make it to a court of law. Kavanuagh on the other hand had a calendar of where he was everyday that summer. Originally Posted by bambino
except it was not a Court of law. and you guys keep running from the fact that Mitchell was exposing Kavanaugh's calendar, that appeared to show a party at a house, where 2 of the named witnesses were penciled in as attending. Mitchell was fired right after that. none of you want to explain that.

YeH, I saw a spoiled little frat rat have a total meltdown and prove his partisanship, illustrating beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has neither the temperament nor the honesty to sit on the highest court.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I saw much of that.. opening meltdown, accusing the Clintons of orchestrating this? and y'all think Ford is fucked up?

Kavanaugh looks like an entitled Frat Boy.. he kept dodging questions, pivoting to "I got into Yale, I worked my butt off", kept referring to the 4 who said nothing happened.. Ford's Friend doesn't remember, but she said she believes Ford.. Judge is hiding out, his Lawyer's statement doesn't mean shit.

and finally, you guys keep saying.. guys here, political TV and radio pundits, that "I think something happened to Ford, I believe her".. yet none will say Kavanaugh is the culprit. you guys talk out of the side of your necks.
[QUOTE=Chung Tran;1060940894]

I saw much of that.. opening meltdown, accusing the Clintons of orchestrating this? and y'all think Ford is fucked up?

he never said that the clinton's were "orchestrating" this

he said this was being done on "behalf" of the Clinton's

the Clinton lost the election, stopping the leftists grand schemes to ruin America

and this is all they have left

difi, I'd say, is the evil orchestrator
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Feinstein circus ,Salem witch trails continues, what a farce.
Ford = book deal and whatever else DiFi promised her ( difi running in CA)
Ford , strike 1 waited 36 years for this "life changing incident " to come out
Strike 2 I don't remember anything BUT 100 % it was him Really yeah okay

Graham said it best pointing at dims "you said you will keep the seat open till 2020 "
bambino's Avatar
except it was not a Court of law. and you guys keep running from the fact that Mitchell was exposing Kavanaugh's calendar, that appeared to show a party at a house, where 2 of the named witnesses were penciled in as attending. Mitchell was fired right after that. none of you want to explain that.

I saw much of that.. opening meltdown, accusing the Clintons of orchestrating this? and y'all think Ford is fucked up?

Kavanaugh looks like an entitled Frat Boy.. he kept dodging questions, pivoting to "I got into Yale, I worked my butt off", kept referring to the 4 who said nothing happened.. Ford's Friend doesn't remember, but she said she believes Ford.. Judge is hiding out, his Lawyer's statement doesn't mean shit.

and finally, you guys keep saying.. guys here, political TV and radio pundits, that "I think something happened to Ford, I believe her".. yet none will say Kavanaugh is the culprit. you guys talk out of the side of your necks. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I didn’t say it was a court of law. But it would never go anywhere there. And the lady who did the questions for the Republicans threw softballs at her. A defense attorney would have destroyed her.