Woman Brings Lawsuit Against MSNBC Celebrity.


Fake news can have a price. Read the Link, it's short.
I hope she loses the lawsuit and that forces liberal news organizations to tone down their divisiveness.
That's the bitch that had issues with homosexuals...then did a lot of back pedaling when it was brought to light...than the lamestream media ran interference for her.
Serves her right!!
winn dixie's Avatar
There should be a damn referendum to get that bull dyke Rachel madcow off the air. She could be one of the ugliest woman to ever live?? Utterly useless of a human being.
There should be a damn referendum to get that bull dyke Rachel madcow off the air. She could be one of the ugliest woman to ever live?? Utterly useless of a human being. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I disagree.
Just as giving the Democrats prime time TV coverage in the Kavanaugh hearings so America could see the Democrats for what they really are, we need Rachel to keep looking into that camera, speaking in that holier than though tone, spewing her left wing bilge, and showing America what the Left is really all about.