18 months of your location for $7,500

I use an app called "fake gps" on my android phone to spoof the location data on my phone when ever I plan on being someplace that I don't want anyone to track me. I also put my Google maps app in incognito mode so that it does not track my location either.
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Dumb question, be nice, if you turn off your phone will the device still be able to track where you were while turned off?
DNinja69's Avatar
Dumb question, be nice, if you turn off your phone will the device still be able to track where you were while turned off? Originally Posted by Dirkdiggler41
I would think if the phone is going to be turned off anyway just leave it somewhere then go back for it after the dirty deeds are done. Let it be tracked just don't let it be where you are all the time
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
I learned from another post on here that you are still being tracked when you turn your phone off. So yeah only way not to be tracked is to leave it somewhere.