Infrequent visiting and retiring providers

Rarely do I start threads, except for my reviews of course, but this has been on my mind for a while now and if it has been discussed before, I apologize for not searching. This thread is by far not meant to bash anyone, but to hopefully enhance a stimulating conversation.

A provider places an ad that she is in town for maybe a couple of weeks at the very most, and has no plans to return soon due to her travel schedule or whatever the reason. Or a provider places an ad that she is retiring very soon and you have not seen her before, kind of like giving a two weeks notice on the current job.

Other than the newness of the visiting provider or maybe the retiring provider is having a 50% off sale, so to speak, why else would you want to see those particular providers? If she gave you one of the best you have ever had and you wanted to keep seeing her on a regular basis, that would be impossible due to her circumstances. OTOH, since she knows she is not going to be seeing you again, she will gladly take your money, but maybe she will not give a good session since she has no fortitude to want to retain you as a regular client and a negative review will probably not be much of a factor to/for her (this is actually my hesitation when it comes to those particular providers).

Grace Preston's Avatar
Traveling ladies still have a reputation to protect, so I don't think the chance of a bad session is there.

Retiring ladies often come back.... so that reputation issue is still there, but not as strong as others.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I agree with the principle.. stretching the example, I see BP ads that say "in town one day only", or " leaving tonight".. I assume that is a marketing tool, to make me act hastily, thinking I need to pull the trigger quickly, or lose out.. the opposite happens.. I quickly dismiss those ads.. what incentive is there to provide? zero.. besides that, I would assume due to the small window of opportunity, my chances to "get in" and see her would be small..
Guys ,, I am with you on this issue. I mostly don't see visiting providers. If I really liked them I can't go back. This can apply to some of our local gals that travel a lot. They are gone to the point you can't return visit them either. As for retiring-- same as above. what is the point if they will not be here for return visits..
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
Unless it's someone that I've really wanted to see, I won't see visiting providers. For me, there are too many that are here at home who I want to see. We Dallas boys are so spoiled! I need to win the lottery so I can see my list while I'm still young(ish).
  • Gbfsl
  • 03-30-2015, 03:23 PM
In addition to the above reasons for not seeing visitors, I also think when a visitor is in town for two to three days, they often try to cram as many appointments as possible into that period to justify the trip. That is a major turnoff for me (unless I might be sure to be the first in the morning). :-)

Way too much local talent to choose from to worry about seeing visitors.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Well gee... you guys are certainly discouraging me from coming back to visit once I leave.... :P
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I agree with many of you an Chung Tran said it's best I avoid those ADS because I think it's a cheap marketing tool. It reminds me of car salesman who tell you: "You better act now because this price I am offering you is for today only.."
And If I had a nickel for every provider who posted a retirement thread and came back I'd be a rich man.
I also agree with Chung Tran. I've seen plenty of BP ads stating "leaving tomorrow" or "tonight only" and then see the same ad posted the next week or worse, for next three or four days.

If seeing a regular is your thing, I understand everyone's view of things. Honestly, though, are we looking for girlfriends here? Why would you deny yourself an opportunity to be with a provider that catches your eye and provides what you like? The advantage of belonging to this site is that you can check the reviews attached to her account and make a determination if it's worth your time. If she doesn't have any information out there, I can, once again, understand you guys having reservations.

I guess it all comes down to what your preferences are in the hobby.
FireKitten's Avatar
I think it mostly works for either the guys that fall for the "going soon" ad, or guys that really only visit most ladies one time anyway.