Joe's Staying in the Race

... G'day Political Stumpers,

... "Oh won't you staaaaaaaay - just a little bit longer"...

... President Biden has announced that despite all those
pundits and prognostication blokes out there who want
him to step aside - he's staying on as president and
staying in the race!

And I say - GOOD FOR JOE! ...

Why should the Dems and the news media get to decide
who the candidate is? ... If Sleepy Joe wants to
stay in the race, I say - No age discrimination. Keep going!

#### Salty
... Crikey! ... Been all of half-a-mo ... barely 10 minutes,
and here comes those girls from The Squad, AOC and what-not,
who surely agree-with me that Sleepy :Yawn: Joe should NOT
quit the race. ...

#### Salty
texassapper's Avatar
If he doesn't quit, he will be incapacitated in some manner. Its the only way a substitute can be put on the ballot for at least three states if I recall reading correctly... I believe all three are swing states too... so it's Biden or Bust.... likely bust...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If he doesn't quit, he will be incapacitated in some manner. Its the only way a substitute can be put on the ballot for at least three states if I recall reading correctly... I believe all three are swing states too... so it's Biden or Bust.... likely bust... Originally Posted by texassapper
I think it's more likely both: BI-DONE and Bust.
... Now, now there, mates... The Dem's presidential primary
started and eneded with Joe Biden as their nominee.

So, as AOC sayes - "Go with Joe!" or as the sporting lads say:
"Go for Broke with Joe!" ... ...

... Or me-own NEW saying: ... "END with Biden!" ...

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The sad thing is - that's actually thier best of the best of the best shot they got. What's that tell you about that party's depth chart?!?
... And I surely must say - that AOC is holding up her end.
(And it's a nice end )

Heard from her today - people asking about her support for Joe
and she told them "The matter is CLOSED.".

So the The Squad girls are gonna "Go for BROKE with Joe!" ...

#### Salty
The sad thing is - that's actually thier best of the best of the best shot they got. What's that tell you about that party's depth chart?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The saddest part is he is the GOP's best shot too. Trump is in if Biden stays. Maybe not if he does not. Both candidates suck. And both are tools of their parties.
... This thread has NOTHING to do with Trump.
It concerns Joe Biden staying in the race.

And Biden aint leaving... The Dems will need to force him out.

#### Salty
... This thread has NOTHING to do with Trump. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Of course it does. Biden says it's why he is staying in whether you believe him or not. And if he does not, Trump will actually have to fight to win. Which may not go as well as you assume.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I vote for both candidates to stay in and I sure as shoot'n don't believe anything BI-DONE says, especially the things we cannot hear or are total gibberish.

He's your horse, put the spurs to him.
Of course it does. Biden says it's why he is staying in whether you believe him or not. And if he does not, Trump will actually have to fight to win. Which may not go as well as you assume. Originally Posted by hughjahol
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The Democrats will ultimately decide whether Biden stays in the race or not. He can be as stubborn as he wants to be and continue to refuse to remove himself from the race, but they are not going to just hand Trump's sorry ass the race by letting him campaign against a man who refuses to accept his diminished mental capacity and agility. And especially when donors start refusing to write checks to support his campaign further.
Of course it does. Biden says it's why he is staying in whether you believe him or not. And if he does not, Trump will actually have to fight to win. Which may not go as well as you assume. Originally Posted by hughjahol
Biden is staying in the race because it’s the only way he can keep his influence peddling scheme going.

His entire family, which is a criminal enterprise, has to keep “the Big Guy” in power.

What is good ole Joe going to when some of the people he has been strong arming for decades want their money back.?

Remember how the “Clinton Foundation” went belly up the minute Hillary lost in 2016?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Biden is staying in the race because it’s the only way he can keep his influence peddling scheme going.

His entire family, which is a criminal enterprise, has to keep “the Big Guy” in power.

What is good ole Joe going to when some of the people he has been strong arming for decades want their money back.?

Remember how the “Clinton Foundation” went belly up the minute Hillary lost in 2016? Originally Posted by Jackie S
More lies Jackie. No criminality has been proven on the part of Joe Biden. Years of investigation have done nothing but slander the President. Trump on the other hand has been convicted of multiple felonies fined hundreds of millions of dollars and is still on trial in at least three other cases.

Joe should not stay in the race because I think he’s too old for the job. But still better him than Ol’ Schitzenpants.

P.S. The Clinton Foundation is still alive and kicking.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
More lies Jackie. No criminality has been proven on the part of Joe Biden. Years of investigation have done nothing but slander the President. Trump on the other hand has been convicted of multiple felonies fined hundreds of millions of dollars and is still on trial in at least three other cases... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Apologies for my fuzzy memory, remind me who is AG Garland's boss?

Thanks in advance