Georgia is now off the board for the Dems

texassapper's Avatar
New rules (actually return to previous rules require that the ballots are counted per day and signed for at the PRECINCT level.... that means the Democrats fraud machine won't work... since it relied on mail in ballots being created out of thin air in a centralized location. Now they'd have to push it to the precincts (too many) to do it.

... Thanks for doing this thread, mate.

We surely covered some o' these issues in me award-winning
Georgia Investigation threads - and HERE we see the Result.

The GA State Elections Board has seen enough evidence of
the ballot and machine-counting issues - so the Board issued
the stronger rules. ...

... I see you mentioned Sec. of State Raffensperger.
The fellow has himself a BRIGHT legal future...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Aw! This the highly vetted pillar of Journalistic Integrity of twitty?