San Francisco Tolerance At Work

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Want to take the BART downtown? Watch where you step.

Ah, the home of Nancy Pelosi.

Bukkake in Outer Space's Avatar
Quite humorous! I've never defecated in an escalator before. Worst comes to worst, I pinch a loaf in a parking lot or a car wash bay.
Is defecating in a parking lot or car wash bay something people of certain skin color or background do? Just asking since you're the expert.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think we have Marshy or Af-Freakin rearing their ugly head again. And it was so nice here for awhile.
I remember that jerkoff . Forgot about him for a minute.
What an asshole that guy was. I hope he shot himself
Bukkake in Outer Space's Avatar
Is defecating in a parking lot or car wash bay something people of certain skin color or background do? Just asking since you're the expert. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Actually, defecating in public is the only way to defecate in most parts of Africa. I hear its a pain in the.ass to toilet train African immigrants. The only reason I have been defecating in such places is because I have bowel trouble.