Cool or Uncool?

So as i contemplate my upcoming hopefully busy weekend....I cant help wishing I would hear from certain clients that I felt a particular connection with.

Is it cool or uncool to send them an email saying "would love to see you this weekend...had so much fun last time and think you are.....etc, etc"

Dont know the etiquette here....
Its nice to send them an email within 24/48 hours after your session with them. Anything after that is in bad taste in my opinion. Unless you're traveling and they asked you to email them.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Only if they have previously given your permission to e-mail them. Someone might be naive enough not to have a hobby e-mail and they don't need it popping up with other people around.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
Speaking just for myself, I would be flattered if a provider contacted me and said that she thought we had a connection and would like to see me again. I may realize that it's probably complete bull dung, but I would still get a kick out of it. Males respond to that kind of stuff whether we like it or not.
That's a tricky one...and I think needs to be viewed on individual basis

If you have discuss the ground rules with your individual clients, then naturally follow them. But if not....I would agree any contact after a day or so after your visit could cause unwanted problems.

Especially for the married guys, surprises can be troublesome

Another approach, would be starting a thread like this one....just to let your clients know you are thinking about them, lol. Bravo!!!
thanks guys....yeah i feel like I am on one side of the room at the dance just waiting for the cute ones to come over and ask me to dance.....

when what I really want to do, is run over there and grab their hand and say "dance with me, you hot mother fu*cker!!!!"
It's only cool if the email contains a fully nude picture with your yoo hoo spread and exposed with a caption like "wish you were here" :-)
oh really? nothing less would work huh? if i just said what i wanted him to do to me? have to have the "full monty" huh...
guess i better break out the ole camera!
Never a problem for me as long as it's low-key, courteous, and very personal.
IntenseCoveredMishMan's Avatar
Email me anytime Angel.
KCQuestor's Avatar
I think you need to be very careful and only do this with guys that you know will respond properly. It would be very easy for a guy to think you wanted to see him socially, as in "off the books."
just say " need your money" cum quick
oh really? nothing less would work huh? if i just said what i wanted him to do to me? have to have the "full monty" huh...
guess i better break out the ole camera! Originally Posted by Angel in KC

Yup, git er done. :-P
After our time together I, when time allows, will send out a thank you and personal message. I will then normally give them the option of being on my mailing list. And then a couple weeks before touring to that particular city i send out individual emails letting them know im coming in.

I think them adding themselves to my mailing list gives permission to me to let them know when im coming through. I like to also send out an occasional hello email to them, when im not coming through. Just to see how they are doing. Sometimes its not all just about the dollar.
I think you need to be very careful and only do this with guys that you know will respond properly. It would be very easy for a guy to think you wanted to see him socially, as in "off the books." Originally Posted by KCQuestor

Too many times have I heard of a lady sending out emails to her clients telling them that she'd love to see them only to find out that the client didn't bring money because he thought it was off the clock because of her email.

Lacy, great minds think a like. That's what I do because they're on my mailing list and I know its cool with them to receive my weekly emails via my site.

The smart thing to do is to get a free website that offers you a mailing list. That way you can send out weekly emails to your clients to let them know of any specials or certain times you're working.

90% of your clientele are married and its not always in their best interest to open their hobby emails at home. That's if they even have a hobby email.

Just because a guy emails you a few times to set an appt doesn't mean its cool to email him out of the blue because you thought you had a connection. As someone before me said, ask their permission first and make sure you word your email correctly so they don't think that they're getting a session for free.