Reporting Safety Concerns

deepDARKdesires's Avatar
Quote from another thread:
This begs the question though that if someone went to visit a provider and happened to notice illicit substances either laying around or being used that caused the individual to leave because of either a personal aversion or fear for safety; it would seem that exposing this important information is going to land you in hot water for telling the truth. Seems kind of counter intuitive as to why this board is here in the first place.
ECCIE General Conduct Guidelines
#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.

I understand the need for rules, especially with a very large membership. My question is > if a member goes to see a provider, or vice versa, a provider sees a member and they find that the other person is so high that they feel it is a safety issue and they leave. How can they report their concern to other members here on eccie?

If there were 5 or 6 empty fifths laying around and the person in question is definitely so drunk that the other person has legitimate safety concerns and leaves. They could post their safety concern here on eccie to warn others. How can a member post a legitimate safety concern that refers to something covered by guide #15. Just made me curious after reading that quote in another thread.
You may not post anything related to illicit drug usage in a forum. However, that does not mean that you couldn't put a note in your review stating "there was something in this person's behavior that concerned me. PM me for additional information". This is normally how information regarding topics forbidden from being posted in forums are handled.
sarcon2009's Avatar
far be it from me to tell anyone how to run this site but i think that banning talking about drug use is kind of hypocritical when you look at what this community is really based on. I mean is it really that big of a concern to forbid talking about drugs. When considering the safety concerns that may arise when dealing with a provider or client that may be under the effects of substances. If i saw a provider on a day were they had been under the effects of a substance and they were acting out of character because of it, and someone had previously seen the same provider and could have warned me i for one would like to have known what i was walking into beforehand. That's just my two cents on the subject.
sarcon2009's Avatar
Having been a member of several forums about various subjects for many years i have never been on one that forbids the open discussion of any topic because that is what a forum is supposed to be a meeting place for OPEN discussion.

You may not post anything related to illicit drug usage in a forum. However, that does not mean that you couldn't put a note in your review stating "there was something in this person's behavior that concerned me. PM me for additional information". This is normally how information regarding topics forbidden from being posted in forums are handled. Originally Posted by fritz3552