Is helping a provider in their personal life a good thing

I see from time to time providers who are in need of some help. Is it the right thing to do to help them in their personal life? If so, should that be a favor with no strings attached? After all, they are human beings, or should we always look for some way to gain an advantage from that situation? I am serious about the topic and I would like to hear your thoughts.
By "help" I presume you mean money. With no strings attached. It's a slippery slope. Can you truly give help without any expectation whatsoever? What if you gave her $200 but when you called for an appointment she didn't call back? Or made you pay full price? If you feel compelled to help without services being provided it's going to involve emotion. As in you care about her well being. I err on the side of caution when it comes to emotion and money. If I put money out there I like to see some type of benefit. Yes, providers are human beings but they provide to earn money.

"I know you said you couldn't help me anymore, but I need $350 by the end of today or I get kicked out of my apartment"

I could write a novel on this; I thought it better to put these thoughts out for discussion...
Ceremony's Avatar
Just my thoughts:

Taking advantage = bad

Making a deal = fine

Just helping = good
i think when you make the choice to do cross a line..a serious line..that can result to some serious consequences..
people tend to lose their minds when lines like this are crossed and usually its the 3rd party surrounding the hobbiest and provider that gets "hurt"
and it will never ever ever ever stop at.."this one time"...and also try to keep in mind what the name of the game is your playing..
..sincerely, aj..
In my opinion this is one of those those areas where you really have to keep in mind caution and the potentially negative aspects of this life. Are you really helping them? Is the help you are being asked to provide going to actually go towards what they are telling you? Do you have doubts? Is it actually going to help or is it a band-aid on a larger problem? Do you have the resources to lend? Do anything of these things actually matter to you? In the end it's your 'help' and you can fritter it away however you like.

In my experience there a few girls that are authentic. It's ok to engage more with them. Most of them however are not and you should avoid deeper entanglements. The hard thing is telling them apart. The safest bet is always to move on and find a new girl(s).
i think when you make the choice to do cross a line..a serious line..that can result to some serious consequences..
people tend to lose their minds when lines like this are crossed and usually its the 3rd party surrounding the hobbiest and provider that gets "hurt"
and it will never ever ever ever stop at.."this one time"...and also try to keep in mind what the name of the game is your playing..
..sincerely, aj.. Originally Posted by aj14620

I don't think there is a clear cut answer to the original question as there are too many situational variables.
I'm not talking money per say, it could be giving your old furniture or appliances or helping with a move or a small job around the house. I'm married and my hobby takes pressure off my wife from a sexual need stand point but my nature is to help people. I would not lend money but does it hurt to throw a few dollars or some donated time? Just looking for input and thanks to all who respond

I don't think there is a clear cut answer to the original question as there are too many situational variables. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
your correct sir.. I guess it would depend solely on the individuals..and the agreement in place if in fact there
actually was an agreement in place at that time..
Ceremony's Avatar
your correct sir.. I guess it would depend solely on the individuals..and the agreement in place if in fact there
actually was an agreement in place at that time.. Originally Posted by aj14620
That's what I said...only I said it dumber.
  • bam71
  • 05-20-2015, 11:59 AM
I think that if you help a provider out whether it be money or whatever either set expectations up front or do because they need help. If you do and don't set what you expect in return you'll get nothing.
Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man always be ...helpin ...the funnels
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm curious why someone would consider doing this.
Ceremony's Avatar
I'm curious why someone would consider doing this. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Or the satisfaction that comes with helping a fellow traveler on this big rock hurling through space.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
These girls willingly allow you to have sex with them for money, like in an ordinary business transaction arrangement. That takes care of that.

Being nice to people? In my experience most folks save that for special circumstances.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Anyway I'd say somewhere around 100% of the time guys do this in an (inevitably failed) attempt to wiggle their way into some bargain pussy.

The hooks usually describe some predicament that they've fallen into, through no fault of their own and strictly due to some disastrous unforeseeable circumstance, which has them temporarily in need of anywhere from $10 to post a bp ad to $1100 to pay their (and their hoodlum boyfriend's) rent, that they would love you to pieces if you would help them out of just this one time.

In both cases, the players are either completely or merely generally full of shit and the customer inevitably finds himself short significantly more money and pussy than he would be if he simply followed the traditional pay-as-you-go-along model.
