pull over for the damn funeral procession

sue_nami's Avatar
I am watching the fallen officers funeral procession on the news and seeing all these classless losers who do not stop for the police officer funeral procession. what the hell is wrong with people. they totally lack class and manners. I am ashamed of folks who have so little respect that they can't pull over for a few minutes to honor our fallen officer. in case you guys who were raised by wolves do no know. you're supposed to pull over when you encounter a funeral procession on the highway. this is Texas, dammit one of the few things we have left to be proud of in this state is good manners.
RICKDOG8's Avatar
They're too busy texting and driving.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Texas Roadhouse in Pflugerville is having a fundraiser tonight. August 2, 3-10 pm
They say 10% of all proceeds from tonight will go to support the Travis County Police Dept and the family of Sgt. Craig Hutchinson. Plus they will be taking donations for them as well.
nuglet's Avatar
ya gotta respect them first. Having been one of those that were railroaded by "less than honest le people" I just don't care. In fact, I'm in the middle of a lawsuit with a lying sheriff in Tennessee over a "not as described" vehicle purchase from his dept right now..
AnimalHouse's Avatar
Totally agree with you Sue. Folks seem to forget they have to have respect for themselves before they can even think about respecting others.....
DallasRain's Avatar
yep ...my dad used to quote "were going to hell in a handbasket"!!

I was at a july 4th celebration and my grandkids were confused when they played the national anthem...I had to tell them what it meant when it was played and how they should place their hand on their chest............they said they did not know what it meant....I guess they don't teach that in school anymore.