Question for Local Providers

I had an experience with a provuder in Shreveport recently and in the process of writing the review, I had a thought; would having someone that is a professional public relations specialist write a provider's information and mini-bio as well as any introduction commentary have any effect on their client count? What's worse is it kicked my brain into 5th gear at 3:35 am, which you can see by this post's time stamp, I am still awake.
I would love to hear the thoughts you ladies might have about this. It's something that may not change anything for you, but then again it could. If any of would be willing to work woth me and conduct an experiment, PM me and I can offer more details about my thought process and idea. I need to point out, I want nothing in return if we tried this. I just want to satisfy my own curisoity and in the process maybe help another person improve their business and income level.
Lastly, if you think my idea is shit, please tell me so as well, and please offer reasons why it's shit. I won't take any offense. My skin is thick enough after 10 years as a tv reporter. I can't stress enough, I want nothing in return except honest opinions. I will also be happy to list my credentials and why I believe my writing would be strong and effective. I'm also not sayimg any of you are doing anything poorly either. It's just I publicize small to large things every day and small subtle word and phrase changes can seriously impact the intended goal. Please, PM me with your thoughts. I'm interested in what you all have to say. I live in the Waco/Killeen area so I'm local.

Tequila Rose's Avatar
I don't speak for everyone but me personally this raises red flags. Your location is Waco which is a hot spot for LE and bullshit. You post you are a reporter or have been. Sounds like a undercover interview and way to gain info. Not to mention your account is brand new.
AINZZ2001's Avatar
You know, I completely understand and I intentionally laid out my past to identify my abilities. I appreciate your candor and point blank response. This account is brand new because I had a difficult time remembering my password for the account I have had for years. Shortly after starting over, I remembered the email I used and was able to reset it. I was completely unaware of Waco being an area of concern, but I've only been here for less than six months.
As I said, it was just an idea I had late one night and at no point have I even thought of being secretive or backstabbing. Yes, years ago I was a reporter. I left that business for the type of shady bullshit you are rightfully cincerned about. I didn't ask this to pursue any agenda different than what I presented. I don't want to hurt anyone or risk their safety. It's not at all who I am and goes against every value I hold. I have no disdain or negativity towards the profession or hobbyists. If I have angered, bithered or offended anyone, I soncerely apologize. I don't want anything from anyone. I had an idea that I wondered whether or not it could improve someone's methid of earning a living or making some scratch on the side. Nothing more whatsoever.
I sincerely appreciate the feedback and I hope I have been able to further explain my thought process and aleviate any fears or concerns.
I currently am employed by the state as a PR Coordinator. I am no threat tobanyonw nor would I even wqnt to be. I would never think of taking advantage of anyone or betraying trust that would provide me with no benefits at all. All I wanted to do was teat a theory to help someone that may need it or improve another's online presentation by seeing things from a different angle.
Dies that better explain or address concerns? Shit, I'd be happy to meet up at a Panera and talk over coffee. There's no law against that yet.