the worst deal i ever made...

john_deere's Avatar
holy documented references, batman!! i just wrote a term paper for one of my girl friends....fucking i remember why i hated that shit so bad when i was collegiate. ah, well...she's cool and i had time...i needed a challenge. it's all good.

what's the worst deal you ever made?
pyramider's Avatar
Most would say getting married ...
john_deere's Avatar
or not posting taint...
Did u get fucked for writing the paper? If she gets an "F" on the paper, then what?
fletch's Avatar
i guess that means she's fucked.
pinchy's Avatar
haha. term papers suck. The one I did in HS had a misspelled word on the front page. Used a fucking electric type writer while everyone else paid someone to type it.

john_deere's Avatar
Did u get fucked for writing the paper? If she gets an "F" on the paper, then what? Originally Posted by Prolongus
lol! i dunno...detention?
ManSlut's Avatar
Worst deal I ever made:
Year - 1929; Place - The crossroads on Upper Northwest Mississippi Delta near Robinsonville, Mississippi; The Deal - Sold my soul to the Devil if I could be the Best Pussyeater/DATY Specialist of All Time; Notes - My friend, this shitty guitarist, we'll just call him R. Johnson, cut his own deal.

Best deal I ever made:
See worst deal I ever made
  • hd
  • 12-04-2012, 07:06 AM
I think we'll hear more after grading....................... john deere, I'd watch her if she tries to bribe the teacher into a better grade!!!