Just Curious if anyone....

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-06-2013, 07:37 PM
Would happen to have a smaller cc (250-500) sport bike, they wouldn't mind helping me practice on?

I have my classM, have completed a safety course, and am VERY tempted to buy my own bike. Just wanna get some more practice on one before I try to stall off the dealer lot and look like an idiot. Sadly none of my friends locally have bikes.

Practice times would have to be day- North Dallas - until about 530.
  • hd
  • 06-07-2013, 08:57 AM
I think you should pick out what you like that fits your size and get it. Problem with someone letting you use or borrow to practice with is liabilty problems should you get hurt. It just takes dropping the bike on your ankle and BAM, broken.
There may be places that rent, since you have your license you should qualify, ask some of the dealers if they know of any. But I think you're better off just getting one, won't take long and you'll be riding like you've done it all your life. But be safe.
Yeah, just buy the one you want. Have someone drive it home for you if you're nervous about causing a pile-up outside the dealership. For the type of bike you want, I would check out the Honda, Kawasaki and Yamaha sport bikes. All the dealerships sell used bikes. You could probably get a nice one for under 3-4K. Check out cycletrader.com or Craig's List.
bored@home's Avatar
My 2 cents...don't go for the 250cc. I'm sure its what you used in the class but after a couple weeks you will regret it. I bought my SO a brand new ninja 250 a couple years back...it currently has a whopping total of 248 miles. Beyond her almost driving into a house (post safty class btw) she also said it was to slow on the hwy...so now it sits in the corner of the garage waiting for her to come around to ride or sale.
bojulay's Avatar
650 Kawasaki Ninja would be my choice for a first bike.

I've owned and ridden motorcycles my whole life,
had many close calls and a couple pretty serious
wipe outs. People just don't respect motorcycle riders
out on the road, the risks should always be considered.
Ride defensively. Watch out for the other guy. And I agree...a 250cc will seem very little in a short time.
Roguejet's Avatar
Yup, it's always the others on the road you gotta watch out for; unless you're a biker yourself, most times the motoring public just isn't conscious enough to look for a motorbike in their rear/side view mirror - they're looking for, and expecting, another car. And OP, I agree you should get what you want the first time; but if your dead-set on buying a 250 to start, you aughta give bored@home a PM; sounds like you could make a deal.
I would say to get friendly with one of the motorcycle mechanics and find more suggestions. Who knows ... he might have an ol' spare 'junk' bike he's willing to loan or reasonably part with; something that might not mean much if it gets scuffed.

Check the dealerships' message boards, race tracks/drag strips, as well as look for riding groups. Someone may have something that fits nicely.

I originally learned on a 250cc dirt bike owned by a relative and then moved on to a Honda CBR500R. Later, I had a Yamaha YZF-R6.

Please be careful. Most drivers aren't looking for motorcyclists or some have dangerous agendas. I've seen both happen so many times.

After burying too many friends and the loss of a fiance`, I gave up the gear and blazing rides.

Maybe this link could point you in a good direction: Click Here!

Wow, Shea...sorry to hear about your losses...
It used to be drunks we had to watch out for. Now I look for the car on the side street with the moron holding his/her cell phone up...

...but, I wouldn't stop ridin' for nuthin'...