Facebook takes down Elizabeth Warren ads calling for breakup of Facebook

  • oeb11
  • 03-11-2019, 06:34 PM

Facebook has removed several ads placed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign that called for the breakup of Facebook and other tech giants.

The ads, which had identical images and text, touted Warren's recently announced plan to unwind "anti-competitive" tech mergers, including Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram.
“Three companies have vast power over our economy and our democracy. Facebook, Amazon, and Google," read the ads, which Warren's campaign had placed Friday. "We all use them. But in their rise to power, they’ve bulldozed competition, used our private information for profit, and tilted the playing field in their favor.”
A message on the three ads reads: “This ad was taken down because it goes against Facebook's advertising policies.”
A Facebook spokesperson confirmed the ads had been taken down and said the company is reviewing the matter. The person said, according to an initial review, that the removal could be linked to the company's policies about using Facebook's brand in posts.
A representative for Warren's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment after POLITICO noticed that the ads had been removed.
More than a dozen other Facebook ads from Warren about her tech proposal were not affected.
The Massachusetts Democrat has staked out an aggressive stance toward Silicon Valley's biggest companies, going further than many of the other Democratic 2020 candidates.
The affected ads, which included a video, directed users to a petition on Warren’s campaign website urging them “to support our plan to break up these big tech companies.”
The ads were limited in size and reach, with each costing under $100, according to disclosure details listed online.

How fun is this - to watch the DPST's cannibalize each other!
Where are the SomeOnes on this?
Maybe label Facebook a Nazi for dropping Warren's Ads????
themystic's Avatar
Facebook isn't Nazi, You are oeb. You have espoused their views in other threads including support of the Charlottesville fiasco. You speak Trump code. Its been cracked
  • oeb11
  • 03-11-2019, 07:03 PM
As usual - SomeOne Lies.

Show me any posts about Charlottesville and let's see the reality
Must be hard to live in Outrage knowing only how to cast Lies!
LOL - So Sad So pathetic.

And the usual off-topic name-calling.
Absolutely nothing except personal attack on OP

Nothing about the Topic- Warren and Facebook!
Perhaps someOne should meditate to "Nowhere Man"!

While gazing at a photo of Yoko O-NO! In pajamas. In bed. Oh My!
themystic's Avatar
As usual - SomeOne Lies.

Show me any posts about Charlottesville and let's see the reality
Must be hard to live in Outrage knowing only how to cast Lies!
LOL - So Sad So pathetic.

And the usual off-topic name-calling.
Absolutely nothing except personal attack on OP

Nothing about the Topic- Warren and Facebook!
Perhaps someOne should meditate to "Nowhere Man"!

While gazing at a photo of Yoko O-NO! In pajamas. In bed. Oh My! Originally Posted by oeb11
Id fuck Yoko naked.

The Pajamas are for you Lusty, Bambino, and IB. The Pajama Boys. Board rumors are saying you boys are having a big party at Dicks Pants
winn dixie's Avatar
Topic is faux pocahontass and faceebook.

Hypocrisy from the leftists. They would rather have govt. in control.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Id fuck Yoko naked.

The Pajamas are for you Lusty, Bambino, and IB. The Pajama Boys. Board rumors are saying you boys are having a big party at Dicks Pants Originally Posted by themystic
But you're a notorious liar, Jussie: 16 counts. That's why you're partying with Bubba in the Big House, Jussie.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
it doesn't matter. Warren is done. her candidacy is stillborn. her hard left stance is a death sentence to voters. Bernie is done too. the msn research is not promising for the uber libs and their socialist shit.

i've said it before and i'll say it now there is no declared democrat that can win over Trump.

i'll say it like Ann Coulter did about Trump ..



  • grean
  • 03-12-2019, 07:22 AM
I'm not sure if tech companies are an issue. Amazon was the first company in a long time to make Walmart sweat.

Walmart use to go into an area setup shop and no one could compete. Amazon came in and made them. Will mom & pops stores surivive? Probably not. Is that bad thing? For mom & pops, yes. For the economy I general, dunno.

Facebook and other social media, the whole freaking internet for that matter, may need some regulations similar to TV and such. I don't think busting them up is the answer.

What about the 5 or 6 corporations that own practicality all of the media? Comcast, Disney, and Time Warner are the big three in that industry.

Banking & Insurance is a bigger problem. The original too big to fail.

Those should be reexamined. If the bad management of one company like AIG can decimate the US economy. It is obvious that regulations to protect the general welfare should be put in place.

I do like what Warren did with the banking fees. In general I'm not a fan of warren though.
rexdutchman's Avatar
So just damn she's showing just how much she hates capitalism ,After she has made her money Of course
Or may be its because people can take bad about the gov ,,,,,,,,,,,