Obama: Al Qaeda is on ‘a path to defeat’

LexusLover's Avatar
May 23, 2013:
President Obama said Thursday that al Qaeda is nearly defeated and the war on terrorism has changed since he took office, and that demands a broad rethink that includes scaling down drone attacks, transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay and revisiting the 2001 congressional resolution that set the country on perpetual war footing.
After the death of Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, al Qaeda has been decimated, scattered across the North Africa and the Middle East and able to launch only small-scale attacks, Mr. Obama told an audience gathered at the National Defense University in Washington.
SEE ALSO: Heckler brings Obama speech to a halt
“America is at a crossroads,” he said. “We must define the nature and scope of this struggle, or else it will define us, mindful of James Madison’s warning that ‘no nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.’”
Senior administration officials went further by telling reporters that Mr. Obama wants to jettison the whole mindset that the U.S. is still engaged in a war on terrorism.
“The president has indicated and will indicate again that he rejects the notion of global war on terrorism, which is an amorphous definition that applies to a tactic,” one official said.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...#ixzz2awGfih3b



"Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) -- Fresh intelligence led the United States to conclude that operatives of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula were in the final stages of planning an attack against U.S. and Western targets, several U.S. officials told CNN.
The warning led the U.S. State Department to issue a global travel alert Friday, warning al Qaeda may launch attacks in the Middle East, North Africa and beyond in coming weeks. The U.S. government also was preparing to close 22 embassies and consulates in the region Sunday as a precaution."

Do I need to post quotable bullshit from last year's campaign?

Talking about a lying sack of shit. This guy would rather climb a tree to tell a lie.
I am all on board with bringing back George W Bush to ACCOMPLISH another MISSION in Iraq at the cost of an additional 4500+ American lives and $1 trillion taxpayer dollars.

I can see the FAUX News Headlines now, President Georgie Peorgie Pudding and Pie strikes yet another death blow against al Qaeda in Iraq.

LexusLover's Avatar
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex

.........the ship's crew put up the banner.

They had accomplished their mission and were on their way home.

Here's the announcement by your guy .. no crew put it up ... he did!

"May 23, 2013:
President Obama said Thursday that al Qaeda is nearly defeated and the war on terrorism has changed since he took office, and that demands a broad rethink that includes scaling down drone attacks, transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay and revisiting the 2001 congressional resolution that set the country on perpetual war footing.
After the death of Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, al Qaeda has been decimated, scattered across the North Africa and the Middle East and able to launch only small-scale attacks, Mr. Obama told an audience gathered at the National Defense University in Washington."

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to repost his bullshit.

But you go ahead and modify the reality and facts to fit your fancy.

TODAY: "Fresh intelligence led the United States to conclude that operatives of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula were in the final stages of planning an attack against U.S. and Western targets, several U.S. officials told CNN."

Is Iraq planning something? It is turning to shit in a hand basket by the day. We pulled out!

Remember? ... Terrorism is defeated. No longer a threat! "We" don't even call it "terrorism"!

But Susan Rice (your main squeeze on the circuit) has recommended closing 22 embassies!
LL, what's a measly 4500+ American lives and $1 trillion taxpayer dollars as long as George W Bush is able to strike yet another death blow against al Qaeda in Iraq. Right?

Another Bushie in denial.... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The above was from another thread but it seems to be quite fitting in this environment.

It appears that LL has eaten a heapin' portion of his Dubya Oats today.
LexusLover's Avatar
It appears that LL has eaten a heapin' portion of his Dubya Oats today. Originally Posted by bigtex
What's 50,000 dead when we can still by shirts from them? Speaking of "heapin' portions"!

Diversion, BT. Diversion.

You got nothing good to say about your snake oil salesman, so you talk about Bush!

Nice try, though.

May 23, 2013: " al Qaeda has been decimated, "
This week all the US embassies in the middle East, Northern Africa and Southern Europe are shut down. In the last two weeks there were major jailbreaks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen that let hundreds of Taliban and AQ fighters escape.

And the MSM have yet to put the two together.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-03-2013, 05:22 PM

.........the ship's crew put up the banner.

They had accomplished their mission and were on their way home.

Here's the announcement by your guy .. no crew put it up ... he did!

"May 23, 2013:
President Obama said Thursday that al Qaeda is nearly defeated and the war on terrorism has changed since he took office, and that demands a broad rethink that includes scaling down drone attacks, transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay and revisiting the 2001 congressional resolution that set the country on perpetual war footing.
After the death of Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, al Qaeda has been decimated, scattered across the North Africa and the Middle East and able to launch only small-scale attacks, Mr. Obama told an audience gathered at the National Defense University in Washington."

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to repost his bullshit.

But you go ahead and modify the reality and facts to fit your fancy.

TODAY: "Fresh intelligence led the United States to conclude that operatives of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula were in the final stages of planning an attack against U.S. and Western targets, several U.S. officials told CNN."

Is Iraq planning something? It is turning to shit in a hand basket by the day. We pulled out!

Remember? ... Terrorism is defeated. No longer a threat! "We" don't even call it "terrorism"!

But Susan Rice (your main squeeze on the circuit) has recommended closing 22 embassies! Originally Posted by LexusLover
the difference being a ships crew doesn't have the capability to make banners, so apparently the banner was FURNISHED by the Bush team, and given to the crew.

so back to the OP .. Obie is full of shit, Bush was full of shit, Rummy was full of shit, and last throes Cheney was full of shit.

end of comment.
LexusLover's Avatar
the difference being a ships crew doesn't have the capability to make banners, so apparently the banner was FURNISHED by the Bush team, and given to the crew...... Originally Posted by CJ7
I go to FedEx Kinko to have a banner made.
I hang up the banner.
FedEx Kinko "furnished" me the banner.
Whose fuckin' banner is it?
a. FedEx Kinko
b. me

The Bush Team didn't hang the banner .. "trust me" on that one.

The crew wanted it for the Boss ... and that IS consistent with history. Now..

as for the Boss's remarks ... he said positively there was a lot of work to be done yet.

But BT, and now you, apparently, want to rewrite history ... just like Clinton wants to rewrite it.

A problem with Clinton is he forgot about the DNA!

And that a little tart in a blue dress might think about saving the President's DNA on her dress! And he wanted to fight terrorism using the LE model!!!!!!!!!!!
Being Commander in Chief is way above the competence level of Barry Soretoreo. Barry's documented experience is confined to "community organizer", ie , stapling posters to telephone poles and leading sit-ins like Jessie Jackson is doing now in Florida. Saul Alinsky lives. God help us and civilized, productive people everywhere with this boob in charge of the only global superpower. The Russians are laughing at him. The old Soviet Union counted Ronald Reagan as 200 extra ships, 10 army divisions, an extra bomber wing, and who knows what else. Barry's influence on world evil-doers is the opposite.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-03-2013, 07:12 PM
The old Soviet Union counted Ronald Reagan as 200 extra ships, 10 army divisions, an extra bomber wing, and who knows what else. . Originally Posted by trident60
Yea, they counted on him to ship them to Iran!

Arms for hostages, arms for hostages! Remember?

May 23, 2013:

“America is at a crossroads,” he said. “We must define the nature and scope of this struggle, or else it will define us, mindful of James Madison’s warning that ‘no nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.’”

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What part of that do you not understand LL? All of it probably!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-03-2013, 11:15 PM
I go to FedEx Kinko to have a banner made.
I hang up the banner.
FedEx Kinko "furnished" me the banner.
Whose fuckin' banner is it?
a. FedEx Kinko
b. me

The Bush Team didn't hang the banner .. "trust me" on that one.

The crew wanted it for the Boss ... and that IS consistent with history. Now..

as for the Boss's remarks ... he said positively there was a lot of work to be done yet.

But BT, and now you, apparently, want to rewrite history ... just like Clinton wants to rewrite it.

A problem with Clinton is he forgot about the DNA!

And that a little tart in a blue dress might think about saving the President's DNA on her dress! And he wanted to fight terrorism using the LE model!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover

the Bush team MADE the banner. ... that's not rewriting history, just a simple FACT.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Hijacked to "B-B-B-Bush, blah blah blah....." in one post. Nice! And so predictable.
The topic was the comeback of Al-Queda....does any one have anything to say about that?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 08-04-2013, 12:30 AM
Hijacked to "B-B-B-Bush, blah blah blah....." in one post. Nice! And so predictable.
The topic was the comeback of Al-Queda....does any one have anything to say about that? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Yea they consider oscumbo their leader. Looks like he is doing a good job.
LexusLover's Avatar
What part of that do you not understand LL? All of it probably! Originally Posted by WTF
Since I'm not inherently French in attitude I am not familiar with the concept of ...

... disengaging from ‘"the midst of continual warfare’” to "preserve its freedom" ...

If the people torn up by the Boston bombings are "free" ... then you and I have a clearly defined difference as to what is "freedom" .... and, personally, I am proud of my perception.

Your "war hero" Obaminable is only concerned about one person ... himself.

For the rest of his life he does not have to worry about "his freedom" and "his body," because the taxpayers (ALL OF THEM) will be paying dearly to provide him the PROTECTION he is unwilling to provide for those same taxpayers.

Al Qaeda is strengthening because of his lack of resolve and demonstrated weakness.

He has the stupidity and immaturity to announce their "defeat" and "demise" while running from them at every turn .. even lying for them .. by claiming that a video caused a mop to kill his diplomat and staff! And he even does it with that "customary" over-bite giving the "appearance" of resolve and determination. And now he has "in charge" and giving him advice on how to "confront" our enemies ... Susan Rice!

Putin just told your hero to go fuck himself!!! That is a "shout-out" heard "round the world"!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
The topic was the comeback of Al-Queda....does any one have anything to say about that? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Hell no they don't! Just a lot of lame-ass finger pointing and historical rewrites.