WTF now, the cover slipped off?

OK so I have searched the topic and I'm not finding much so I might as well ask in an effort to learn. However,I hope the room is gentle. While it sounds to silly to be real...I am living it.

It has been some 8+ months since I have reached the finish line thanks to some new meds. It is a real head trip or mental mind f___k!.

Is it really the Meds? Is it familiarity, 24 married years without any variety or spice? Or am I just getting old? If so I didn't know it happened at 55...good grief!

Don't get me wrong, on rare occasions I can run the race but zero, nanda, zippo, no sensation at all.

So I talk myself into believing I was going to try to spice things up by sampling the hobby just to see if the results were different (8 months is a frustrating long time).

On my 4th outing Jr indicated he wanted to play, I have always wanted to experience a squirter and this lady was a fountain and Jr thought that was cool. "Oh boy seize the moment" so she covers him and mounts me but just as I saw the finish line ahead the moment passed, sensation gone. Same old story...

When she gets up I'm like WTF, the cover is gone. So I am a bit freaked, she acted like it was no big deal (which I'm not so sure was reassuring), she digs around in her treasure chest and finds it. I'm like thinking damn, what are the chances of this?

Now what is a guy to do?

This was honestly my first time to ever use a condom. While I had a great time and met some really sweet ladies in my first three outings I had no need of a condom, no cooperation from Jr. And the experience taught me it can be nice just to please a lady.

I grew up in a time before the "need" for condoms, at the time there was nothing out there a visit to the doctor wouldn't cure. Every girl I dated was on the pill before I met her, yes I lost my virginity rather late in life. And when I married she came with a ready made family so I had myself converted to a sport model via vasectomy just a few years after we got married.

True, I am a pencil dicked numb nuts but this has caused me to think and consider. Yes, I'd like to finish a race!!! But does a guy need to put suspenders on a cover to keep from loosing it?

I use a bit of humor about the subject to keep me from getting totally frustrated and discouraged but I am dead serious.

Any helpful hints?
Wakeup's Avatar
  • BDD
  • 08-05-2013, 06:28 PM
Don't mind Wakeup. His heart isn't pure.

Go to an adult toy store. Find a toy similar in size to you. Take it to the goth or suicide girl behind the counter. Explain that you never have had a need to use condoms before, but your lifestyle has recently changed and now you have a need to. Tell her you need ultra sensative condoms to fit something the size of the toy you are holding. Problem solved.

Or approach one of the mature ladies here via PM, point her to this thread and ask for her help. You are going to need to be honest about size, but a lady that has been around a few years can help if you don't want to have that comversation with the counter girl.

Good luck. Hobby safe.

BTW, don't fret about the cover coming off. Your chances of catching something that cannot be cured in a single encounter are statistically quite small. Just don't make it a habit.
pyramider's Avatar
His pee pee is going to fall off.
Yes the meds can do that. I was on Lexapro and Abilify when I was going through my divorce and for a few months after and I was worried I would never be the same. Could fuck for an hour straight and not be able to finish. Girlfriend kept yelling "fuck my pussy hurts!!!" But now after being off them several months I'm back to normal. Shooting jizz all over the place and wishing I could last half that long again.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-05-2013, 08:37 PM
Use a rubberband at the base to keep it on.
Use a rubberband at the base to keep it on. Originally Posted by trey
You trying to make it die and fall off? Lol
A limp pencil dick? You're a providers wet dream. I wouldn't tease you about this but I think you're full of shit. you claim to be 55 and you're coming on here asking how to use a fucking condom? I guarantee you that any provider you see will know how to put a condom on you.
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 08-05-2013, 09:02 PM
buy some showercap condoms Originally Posted by YoHou
I can't believe the stuff I learn here everyday!!
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Sounds like you might need some ED medication. Condoms stay on better on hard dicks.
Htowner's Avatar
The mental side of erections get a lot more pertinent when you are older and on meds. I have completely changed from trying different spices to looking for one or two I can build a chemistry with.
Your particular issue I am not familiar with but it really isn't that big a deal. Once you are flaccid , with some help from the gusher, it will come out with less blood flow to keep the girth.
If you didn't have an orgasm then very little concern for her and it probably came off as you pulled out so not much of a chance for you to catch anything .

I think you are making a case about proper case of wearing a condom but believe me she knew what she was doing even if you didn't. There are no issues there.
No. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Sorry, but that was pretty damn funny.

You could do what BDD says, or just go to

You want "snugger fit" probably.
Russ38's Avatar
Your fucked me, I knew a guy....Lol
Condom store has some great condoms or try the female condom with the girl.