Chanel No Show

  • ymb
  • 08-12-2013, 01:42 PM
bee reading alot from you all about how cute and great Chanel is. So i wanted to try for myself. She is a hard person to get a hold of and schedule with, but was finally able to to schedule something for today. appointment was for 12:30, got there at 12:15 and text her to let her know i was there. waited, and waited 12:20, still nothing, so i called this time. nothing....waited and waited about 12:25 i called again, this time she picked up saying that she is running late and will not be there for another 15 minutes. she said that she had to go pick up her puppy from the vet. really? and didn't want to call me ahead of time to let me know that she might be late? why are you going to wait until 5 minutes before your schedule time to try to call someone to let them know you are going to be late and give me the option? what is 15 minutes right? I had a meeting that i had to attend that I need to get back to in the Galleria area.
kerwil62's Avatar
Which Chanel???
  • ymb
  • 08-12-2013, 02:26 PM
You're appointment was at 12:30 p.m. At 12:25 she tells you she's 15 minutes away. So, you posted an ALERT because she was going to be 10 minutes late?

I don't know what's wrong with some of you fuckers.
Jumbo_mumbo's Avatar
loveitdou's Avatar
Well either way- if those pix are really her- i need to see a review-she's hot.
But I am doubtful after all she from BP-right? Usually Wrong. ijs
TIADave's Avatar
As been stated more times than i'd like to count, those pictures of her are not her anymore. She used to use her actual pictures but stopped some months ago. Frankly, I think she looks better than those new fake pics which is kinda odd for BP.

But Really? an alert for being 10 minutes late would be like her posting an alert about you for being 15 minutes early. Which to my mind are both about equally shitty.
ymb- Did the appointment actually happen.

At least you did not get a no show. I had a person wait until an hour after the appt to call and say he could not make it.
  • ymb
  • 08-13-2013, 02:05 PM
i am not going to sit and wait for her for not telling me that she left. If i did not follow up, would she call me? who knows...My time is just as important as hers, the respect part need to go both way. I am paying for the service, the service should be there. If she knows she is leaving and that she might be late, why not let me know? hey, if you want to sit and wait for her and maybe she get there in 10 minutes maybe not, there is no guarantee that she will be there in time. if she call me and say hey look I had to leave and i might few minutes late then that is fine. not like she had to leave right there and then, she left way before hand. sorry i had a small window and i had to be back in the office. you take it for what's it worth and do with what you want if the info.
Guest010115-3's Avatar
I probably would not consider that an ncns. That is just an appointment that did not happen at the planned time. Ncns by definition is no call no show. This is a late show with call. The new form of ncns I frown on is when they tell u what time is ok to schedule and won't confirm it when it us about an hour before that time coz i typically do so. Then am stuck with thinking maybe she will confirm and i don't make alternate plans coz i dont double book. Then when she does not confirm and leaves me hanging, I will have wasted time waiting for confirmation. It's like cockblocking but cannot be reported as an ncns since she did not confirm, they just string u along and leave u hanging dry, lots a ladies have come out of my list for that. As for ur case, I would not call it an ncns.

Makes me think I should start double booking to mitigate the risk but at the moment am simply taking em off my list.
  • ymb
  • 08-14-2013, 08:55 AM
i never said it was a ncns, the title said a no show. it was a late call on my part, but i just wanted to let you all know what happen to me, you all do what you want