The Animals We Are Dealing With

disturbing video shows two men with freshly-shaved heads dressed in seemingly fuel-doused camouflage army gear taken out of a cage and walked like dogs to their death by Islamic State thugs.
Standing barefoot in the middle of a desert, they are connected by the neck to a torched fuse which eventually engulfs their bodies in flames.

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pyramider's Avatar
At least isis is getting creative.
LexusLover's Avatar

Someone else has to finish yet another job for Obaminable.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Calling them animals gives them too much credit.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
There's not a dime a difference between those folks and the rabid ass Trump supporters. Yall come across just as bat shit crazy as those folks. There's a reason the Taliban is so close to Tea-liban
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There's not a dime a difference between those folks and the rabid ass Trump supporters. Yall come across just as bat shit crazy as those folks. There's a reason the Taliban is so close to Tea-liban Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Talk about bat shit crazy. You got something against veterans and Americans being disgusted and angry with where libtards have taken the country?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Talk about bat shit crazy. You got something against veterans and Americans being disgusted and angry with where libtards have taken the country? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Yes I do have something against it. You folks to stupid to realize rich Republicans don't have your interest at heart. You're so blinded by race till you can't see the forest for the trees. This country would be better off if we created a sandbox for all you right wing extemeists and fundamentalists. You are part of a fundamentalist crowd and whether you know it or not arab terrorists, ISIS, Tea Party, Far Right Republicans all of you guys by text book definition are radical extreme fundamentalists and are all basically cut from the same cloth.
LexusLover's Avatar
....You folks to stupid ....

....all you right wing extemeists ...... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You're better off sopping on dick down at the truck stop.

At least your mouth and fingers are busy doing something PRODUCTIVE!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Typical brain damaged libtard so closed minded and biased with an extreme failure to understand that wanting to follow the Constitution is not extreme or radical.

I will have to admit that for the last 8 years I have been extremely embarrassed because of our government.
Here we are, a nation that people will risk everything to get into this country just for the opportunity to achieve the American dream of freedom, liberty, and prosperity. It seems that it is only the libtards that want to change that and openly state they are willing to leave and give it all up if they do not get their way.
I say good riddance and do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. If you want to live in a shit hole nation, there are plenty out there but you probably could not get in to stay due to the way they enforce their own immigration laws. I suggest Somalia. They would probably love you there for leaving America.
Typical brain damaged libtard so closed minded and biased with an extreme failure to understand that wanting to follow the Constitution is not extreme or radical.

I will have to admit that for the last 8 years I have been extremely embarrassed because of our government.
Here we are, a nation that people will risk everything to get into this country just for the opportunity to achieve the American dream of freedom, liberty, and prosperity. It seems that it is only the libtards that want to change that and openly state they are willing to leave and give it all up if they do not get their way.
I say good riddance and do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. If you want to live in a shit hole nation, there are plenty out there but you probably could not get in to stay due to the way they enforce their own immigration laws. I suggest Somalia. They would probably love you there for leaving America. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
He's just a Dindu nuffin realizing that with shrilLAIRy's loss, HIS gravy train, that was the norm under obammy just got derailed when us " deplorables " dynamited " the "bridge" between odummer and shrilLAIRy by electing T-R-U-M-P !!! Mebbe Santa Clause will put a CASE of Kleenex AND Depends under his " holiday " tree. PC, ya know !
LexusLover's Avatar
It seems that it is only the libtards that want to change that and openly state they are willing to leave and give it all up if they do not get their way. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
This is the Liberal vision of the UTOPIAN USA:

disturbing video shows two men with freshly-shaved heads dressed in seemingly fuel-doused camouflage army gear taken out of a cage and walked like dogs to their death by Islamic State thugs.
Standing barefoot in the middle of a desert, they are connected by the neck to a torched fuse which eventually engulfs their bodies in flames.

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook Originally Posted by gnadfly
As a suggestion for payback to theose muzzie POS that are doing this, I suggest finding some feral hog sows with babies still suckling from them, trapping said feral hogs and then throwing some of those jihadies into the cage with the sow. Mebbe even get lucky and find a sow with rabies. And throw some fleas into the cage to keep the jihady moving around. That movement will piss off the sow and then the " games " will begin. Video tape it and post the " fun " on a jihady website. Mebbe throw in a drawing of ole Mo-HAM-ed getting his fudge packed by a boar hog to get the muzzies " excited ". Merry Christmas, to them muzzies !
LexusLover's Avatar
There are some well-developed feral hogs hanging out in South Texas.
Gotyour6's Avatar
There's not a dime a difference between those folks and the rabid ass Trump supporters. Yall come across just as bat shit crazy as those folks. There's a reason the Taliban is so close to Tea-liban Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You are a fucking idiot
LexusLover's Avatar
You are a fucking idiot Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I doubt anyone wants to fuck her ...

... so "sucking idiot" is probably more accurate ...

... at least through a hole in the wall or with a bag on her head.