It's Mutual Oral Sex Day!!!

GneissGuy's Avatar
Well, it's 6/9/2010 today, so we should all be sure and engage in a little 69 at some time today.
runswithscissors's Avatar
I second that; any excuse to play works for me......
Redsan's Avatar
I have done my part !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
done my part.....giggle
I've never even thought of June 9 as 69 day. I will forever think of it now.
Thank you.

I will not have an opportunity to participate this year, but I can assure you I will make sure to have a blowout next year to make up for lost time on this day.
mikahranae's Avatar
Damn....didn't think of today that way. I have an appt in an hour....I will make sure this is one of the activities! I'm normally not into 69 because I like to focus when i'm performing and I like to be able to lay back and relax when I'm being performed on! I will make it an exception tonight!
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohooo an awesome day!!!! And I did my!!!