Bruce Springsteen predicts Trump win in 2020

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bruce Springsteen predicts Trump win in 2020, says Democrats don't have 'an obvious, effective presidential candidate'

Suzy ByrneEditor, Yahoo Entertainment

Yahoo CelebrityDecember 3, 2018

Bruce Springsteen thinks Donald Trump will be victorious in the 2020 election — not that he’ll be voting for him.

The Boss got political in a new interview with the U.K.’s Sunday Times Magazine, saying he understands why people become Trump supporters, pointing to the decline of blue-collar jobs and boom in technology.

“I think that there are a lot of reasons people became Trump voters,” said the singer-songwriter, a Democrat whose hits have long touched on the plight of working-class Americans. “You had severe blows to working people in the 1970s and 1980s as all the steel mills shut down. Then you had an explosion of information technology. These are life-changing, upsetting occurrences.” He said that leads some people to find themselves “in a country that you may not feel part of, or you feel that your [concerns are] being dismissed.”

Bruce Springsteen talks Trump. (Photo: Getty Images)

Springsteen, who bashed Trump in his 2017 song “That’s What Makes Us Great,” said when you have that “insecurity and instability” and then “someone comes in and plays on your racial anxieties, and blames an enormous amount of this on the ‘other’ from the southern side of the border, and you’re going to have an audience for those views. I basically think that [the problem] is the incredibly rapid pace of change that’s occurred in the United States that’s gone unaddressed by both administrations, Democrat and Republican.”

He predicted that Trump will likely be reelected for a second term because there isn’t a strong-enough Democratic challenger at this point. “I don’t see anyone out there at the moment. The man who can beat Trump, or the woman who can beat Trump,” he said. “You need someone who can speak some of the same language [as Trump], and the Democrats don’t have an obvious, effective presidential candidate.”

Springsteen added that the midterm elections were a good sign, but not a great one. “It was nice to get the House back, but I’d like to have seen a much more full-throated [rejection] of the past two years,” said Springsteen, who is wrapping up his award-winning one-man Broadway show this month.
Springsteen also talked about Trump and politics in a wide-ranging interview with Esquire that came out last week. He said Trump has “no interest in uniting the country.” He also called that the commander in chief “deeply damaged at his core.”

“I think that a lot of what’s going on has been a large group of people frightened by the changing face of the nation,” he told the magazine. “There seems to be an awful lot of fear. The founding fathers were pretty good at confronting their fears and the fears of the country. And it’s the old cliché where geniuses built the system so an idiot could run it. We are completely testing that theory at this very moment. I do believe we’ll survive Trump. But I don’t know if I see a unifying figure on the horizon. That worries me. Because the partisanship and the country being split down the middle is something that’s gravely dangerous.”

Springsteen’s Broadway show is based on his autobiography, Born to Run, and is about his life, his childhood and the state of the world today — all with music mixed in. Netflix will stream it as a special, Springsteen on Broadway, starting Sunday, Dec. 16 — one day after his final performance.
bamscram's Avatar
Should be as accurate as any poll. LOL
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i'd like to know what you said but since u are still on ignore i'll either have to ..
1) take u off ignore (will not happen)
2) read all posts while not yet logged in .. maybe! do u shoot craps? bahhaa
3) actually want to see what u said. NOT

thank you valued poster!
Fuck Springsteen for dissing Gov Christie, but I hope he is right for predicting Trump will win.
  • Tiny
  • 12-03-2018, 09:10 PM
He said, "Should be as accurate as any poll. LOL"

I don't see Trump winning in 2020. Given that the hated Hillary Clinton came close and even won the popular vote, a viable Democratic candidate should win hands down, unless the Republicans nominate someone like Kasich or Jeff Flake. (Haha, fat chance of that.)

And fuck Springstein period. Celebrities have to be pretty arrogant to think any intelligent person would give a rat's ass what they think.
It is difficult to find a more avid "Never Trumper" than The Boss. He is right up there with Joy Behar.

He is right in his assessment. At this point the Democrats have nobody that can play the game as well as President Trump. Even with the MSM doing the cheerleading, the Democrats have to run away from being Democrats.

The Boss is also correct in his analysis of the mid terms. Yes, the Democrats took the hose. But they did not win as many seats as the republicans did when President Obama fac d the same circumstances. And to top it off, the Republicans increased their majority in the Senate.

I don't think this is a prediction by The Boss as much as it is a warning. President Trump, regardless of the never ending haranguing by the MSM, Hollywood, Pop Culture, and Academia, will be a formidable Candidate.
themystic's Avatar
It is difficult to find a more avid "Never Trumper" than The Boss. He is right up there with Joy Behar.

He is right in his assessment. At this point the Democrats have nobody that can play the game as well as President Trump. Even with the MSM doing the cheerleading, the Democrats have to run away from being Democrats.

The Boss is also correct in his analysis of the mid terms. Yes, the Democrats took the hose. But they did not win as many seats as the republicans did when President Obama fac d the same circumstances. And to top it off, the Republicans increased their majority in the Senate.

I don't think this is a prediction by The Boss as much as it is a warning. President Trump, regardless of the never ending haranguing by the MSM, Hollywood, Pop Culture, and Academia, will be a formidable Candidate. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I agree that the deal he made, ( with the Devil of the Bible) could still be in play. He is already sentenced too the Christian hell for eternity, and his kids.- ( according to the Bible itself) I feel sorry for the young'un. But the Bible clearly states that the son pays for the crimes of the Father, Everything this man comes in contact with, well it Dies, Trump Casinos, The Taj Mahal, Pageants, Hotels, Casinos, Penthouses, Sport Teams, my alma Mata Trump University, Golf course. It all public record. Tuition only $ 35,000 and I think it only took a weeknd. It all falls in the Hell Fire. So the worst we have is close to over
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
^^^^ can't see above. ^^^ something about

please keep trying, valued poster!!

Well, there's always Michael Avenatti for the Democrats - - He's still thinks he has a chance.

Avenatti Optimistic about 2020 Despite Domestic-Violence Allegations
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Bruce Springsteen

Another great thinker of our times

Right down there with SC and TM.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He said, "Should be as accurate as any poll. LOL"

I don't see Trump winning in 2020. Given that the hated Hillary Clinton came close and even won the popular vote, a viable Democratic candidate should win hands down, unless the Republicans nominate someone like Kasich or Jeff Flake. (Haha, fat chance of that.)

i see Trump winning easily. Kasich WILL campaign for Trump in 2020. there is no Democrat that can beat Trump. NONE.

Kasich will hold a rally for Trump. In Ohio. BAHAAAAA!!!


And fuck Springstein period. Celebrities have to be pretty arrogant to think any intelligent person would give a rat's ass what they think. Originally Posted by Tiny

i'm fine with that. but Trump will still win in 2020. Brucei is right (about that at least)

themystic's Avatar
Bruce Springsteen

Another great thinker of our times

Right down there with SC and TM. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Include yourself Your Eminence . We are just wretched sinners in your presence Holy Father. Please forgive us. Oh Fuck. Sorry your Holiness. I keep forgetting. Wrong religion. I will take the pebble from your hand some day and reach enlightenment under the bodhi tree. Chop Wood Carry Water Master
I agree that the deal he made, ( with the Devil of the Bible) could still be in play. He is already sentenced too the Christian hell for eternity, and his kids.- ( according to the Bible itself) I feel sorry for the young'un. But the Bible clearly states that the son pays for the crimes of the Father, Everything this man comes in contact with, well it Dies, Trump Casinos, The Taj Mahal, Pageants, Hotels, Casinos, Penthouses, Sport Teams, my alma Mata Trump University, Golf course. It all public record. Tuition only $ 35,000 and I think it only took a weeknd. It all falls in the Hell Fire. So the worst we have is close to over Originally Posted by themystic
Even Bruce Sprinsteen knows that eternal salvation is available to all who truly and earnestly repent of their sins and accept Christ.

Mr. Trump plays hardball with the Democrats, he is the first Republican brave enough to do it and the Democrats do not like it. That alone makes him a worthy political advocate for the right, and he deserves our support.
The problem is, as Springsteen stated, there is't a strong dimocratic challenger at this point, and I think most libturds know there doesn't have to be one as they understand the mentality of the liberal mindset ..... hell they could nominate Kathy Griffin and she;d probably get 65 million votes, just like HiLIARy did ..... what Republicans need to fear is the exact reversal of 2016, where Trump assuredly got more votes than he should have because voters were voting against HiLIARy and wanted no part of a continuation of the worst 8 years ever in presidential history ..... and now people hate Trump so much that they would vote for ANYBODY the dimocrats elect, qualified or not, just to be a protest vote .....
themystic's Avatar
Even Bruce Sprinsteen knows that eternal salvation is available to all who truly and earnestly repent of their sins and accept Christ.

Mr. Trump plays hardball with the Democrats, he is the first Republican brave enough to do it and the Democrats do not like it. That alone makes him a worthy political advocate for the right, and he deserves our support. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yes the Christian faith does allow for that

I can see the case for Trump. Its to bad hes a Liar and crook. I know they are all flawed to a degree What separates Trump is his personal gain above everyone. He doesn't even try to appease anyone but his base. That's poor leadership. He will get taken down and he knows it. The democrats are also going to make his life a living hell for how ever long he is there. Sooner or later he is going to fuck up Bad