Pussy board... Whole new meaning!!!

Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Bunch of pussies on this board!!!! DH is an Asshole (not according to me) and I am a Bitch... What the fuck??? Follow the rules and post where you should and no one will get their feelings hurt!! Or if you are sensitive....(and this applies to so many!!!) don't post!!! Grow a pair of balls! Don't talk a bunch of shit and then run behind a closed thread!!
Sarunga's Avatar
OK...this is not bad for a start....of a threAD.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Well... See, I found out yesterday, this is the new place for threADs! However, please don't be confused... No where in my original post did I mention possibility of coming to town, last day in town, or where should I stay in town info and related questions .... I can assure you, there will be no WK riding up to save me or any old, fat hookers (sorry, friends) posting on my behalf about how Houston has horrible people, bla bla bla... This is just a simple thread stating that fragile people, or those who lack the ability to handle rejection, probably should not post....
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Therefore it is not a threAD.... Which sucks cause I was really looking forward to a steak dinner
tyboy1's Avatar
Damn girl sounds like you got up on the wrong side of the bed.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Awe naw tyboy she's been thinking about this all night lol. She was called a bitch after all so I'd say it's warranted
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Damn girl sounds like you got up on the wrong side of the bed. Originally Posted by tyboy1
:-). No.... This is all said with a smile and much humor behind it!! Just ask EA!! He will tell u what a smartass I am.... Now... I can turn this into a threAD and say.... Tyboy1, why don't I crawl back in bed and let you wake me up the right way....

EA... Steak dinner huh?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I really really wanted to win that dinner lol
Sarunga's Avatar
Well... See, I found out yesterday, this is the new place for threADs! However, please don't be confused... No where in my original post did I mention possibility of coming to town, last day in town, or where should I stay in town info and related questions .... I can assure you, there will be no WK riding up to save me or any old, fat hookers (sorry, friends) posting on my behalf about how Houston has horrible people, bla bla bla... This is just a simple thread stating that fragile people, or those who lack the ability to handle rejection, probably should not post.... Originally Posted by Abigail (Source of JOY)
See...that is the beauty of a threAD. You don't have to say anything....much....all you need is the threAD.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Tell me who your bet was with and I will see what I can do for you... If all else fails I can make you a sandwich. ;-)
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
See...that is the beauty of a threAD. You don't have to say anything....much....all you need is the threAD. Originally Posted by Sarunga
Ha! Very true! I suppose I could ask silly questions like... What is your favorite day of the week to have sex on?? ..... Will save that for my next threAD!!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
He didn't take the bet yet. I bet that if you started a threAD and DH decided to take you on that he would lose but this isn't a true threAD so there will be no steak dinner for me just yet
It's not a threAD without a poll.
Sarunga's Avatar
Well, DH can still try....that is, if he has the balls.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
DH is an Asshole (not according to me)

Who called DH an asshole and started all this nonsense?