Vid/Pic Question for Providers

During my time, I have paid for/gotten permission from a number of providers to take pics/videos. Some of the providers have either asked for copies or requested I video on their phone. All of these are BBBJ. If the provider asks to keep them to myself, I do. I have had a few providers ask me permission to put the pics/videos up on their sites. I love it and think it's great.

What I'm wondering from providers is when you put these types of videos somewhere or send it to potential clients, does it help you? Do you get more business? I have had a couple providers use the videos and even sell some of them via manyvids. Again, I think it's great...just curious on your opinions.
It does let everybody know what your skills are. And yes it does gain business. Mine are up on my Twitter and Tumblr. Tho right now I'm having to be careful about the copyrights that I have to think about now, and also I'm usually very cautious who I allow that to happen with. I don't allow photography of any kind with just anyone. I don't know the specifics yet but soon I will be looking for others to help with the different content that I will have on my site though from what I've Been Told due to the copyrights, the other party (parties) have to sign a waiver, as I just stated I don't know the specifics yet....