SESTA/ FOFSTA - You people should be ashamed of yourself!

Treetop78759's Avatar
SESTA/ FOFSTA is NOT about you. It is about saving all of the human trafficked sex slaves from their captors.

How dare you put your selfish ways in front of a human being. These ladies need to be freed from the bonds of the human traffickers.

Shame on you!!!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Heh. Yes, the puppy pimps, my wee chihuahuas, force me to put out in the sheets for pay so that I can buy their Pupperoni by the case. I'm so trafficked by a pack of 5-pound dogs!

I'll all for stopping sexplotation of the unwilling and underage, but once Trump signs the mess into law, prostitution will be forced deeper underground and back to the old, far less safe days. Like most things the government does, this is ill-conceived and impractical to implement. Won't stop it from going through, however, and trampling the rights of a large number of consenting adults.

Also won't stop those being taken horrendous advantage of from still suffering. May even get worse as politicians shove the idea down the public throat that they "done good" while ignoring real solutions.

So.....because I am concerned about my own safety and livelihood, that must mean I am not concerned about the safety of children?

You're joking right? LMAO

The intentions behind FOSTA/SESTA are very good, yes. Something absolutely needs to be done to combat human trafficking and the exploitation of children.

But it is going to affect how many of us INDEPENDENT and CONSENSUAL providers make a living. And in turn, care for our own children in many cases.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Do you really think that society cares that your criminal enterprise will be hurt in the process of trying to save human trafficked sex slaves?

If 100 independent hookers criminal enterprises lost 75% of their business to save one sex slave wouldn't it be worth the sacrifice?
Saying this from the standpoint of someone who will likely lose nothing in this mess... This bill won't help anyone. Its not as though making the advertising aspect more difficult will stop those people who are trafficking others. In reality, it will only push them deeper. And it will make the victims harder to find and save. I understand and applaud the intent, but what do these politicians think will happen if they succeed in srparating the providers from the buyers? Cut the sex slaves loose? "Ok honey, I can't make money off of you anymore, so here's your life back. Take care!" Seriously??? No. They will be either 're-purposed' or killed. Anyone who trafficks another has zero value for life or humanity. They won't think twice in disposing of it... This new legislation is going to be a death sentence for many.
The government doesn't know how to tell the difference between escorts and sex trafficking, to them it's all the same thing and that's the problem.

They think a escort can have a bad date and file charges or sex trafficking on a person amd I think they want to cut down on complaints and so forth. I think sex trafficking is probably what their using to completely wvood the costs that go into safety concerning the sex industry.

I know nothing of sex trafficking that's not who i am, i was born a poor black dude they had to fight for everything, if i couldn't get s girl, chocky mest amd go to sleep lol.

But i think the government just doesn't wanna deal with the industry anymore.

I'll all for stopping sexplotation of the unwilling and underage, but once Trump signs the mess into law, prostitution will be forced deeper underground and back to the old, far less safe days. Like most things the government does, this is ill-conceived and impractical to implement. Won't stop it from going through, however, and trampling the rights of a large number of consenting adults.

Also won't stop those being taken horrendous advantage of from still suffering. May even get worse as politicians shove the idea down the public throat that they "done good" while ignoring real solutions.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
And if anything, it might make women/girls MORE prone to being trafficed.. Not less.

Do you really think that society cares that your criminal enterprise will be hurt in the process of trying to save human trafficked sex slaves?

If 100 independent hookers criminal enterprises lost 75% of their business to save one sex slave wouldn't it be worth the sacrifice? Originally Posted by Treetop78759
So by that logic lets ban all guns, all drugs etc, just cause 'if it saves just one kids life, it will be worth it'.
This has been my thought all along.
Saying this from the standpoint of someone who will likely lose nothing in this mess... This bill won't help anyone. Its not as though making the advertising aspect more difficult will stop those people who are trafficking others. In reality, it will only push them deeper. And it will make the victims harder to find and save. I understand and applaud the intent, but what do these politicians think will happen if they succeed in srparating the providers from the buyers? Cut the sex slaves loose? "Ok honey, I can't make money off of you anymore, so here's your life back. Take care!" Seriously??? No. They will be either 're-purposed' or killed. Anyone who trafficks another has zero value for life or humanity. They won't think twice in disposing of it... This new legislation is going to be a death sentence for many. Originally Posted by VegasJen
Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 03-24-2018, 03:57 PM
If 100 independent hookers criminal enterprises lost 75% of their business to save one sex slave wouldn't it be worth the sacrifice? Originally Posted by Treetop78759
nope, not worth the sacrifice. The reason sex trafficking exists is because of the laws. When you force the sex trade underground, you create the criminal element. Didn't we learn anything from Prohibition or the War on Drugs? Legalize sex work and you will do more to eliminate the black market.
easymoe's Avatar
If someone is dealing drugs at the local Taco Bell you don't shut down Taco Bell.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-24-2018, 04:15 PM
So now TreeTop the Pimp Wanna Be is back to his old “all sex workers are pimped” vomit. What is the matter, aren’t you getting enough attention? Is your ego really so big that you come on here and feel obliged to volunteer other people’s livelihood for your fictitious crusade—one you don’t actually believe in but you think those who are trafficked are a great topic for sick “humor”.

Since you believe—supposedly—that ladies giving up 75% of their income is a noble sacrifice, then I am sure you have already stepped forward and have donated 75% of your income to battered women’s shelters and other similar causes. Haven’t you? (I suspect you will hop right on here and tell us how you have done that and more. But wisely I suspect no one other than your aliases will believe a word you say.)
What sites will ALL the JUDGES, LAWYERS & LE use ??..LOL
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-24-2018, 04:27 PM
Saying this from the standpoint of someone who will likely lose nothing in this mess... This bill won't help anyone. Its not as though making the advertising aspect more difficult will stop those people who are trafficking others. In reality, it will only push them deeper. And it will make the victims harder to find and save. I understand and applaud the intent, but what do these politicians think will happen if they succeed in srparating the providers from the buyers? Cut the sex slaves loose? "Ok honey, I can't make money off of you anymore, so here's your life back. Take care!" Seriously??? No. They will be either 're-purposed' or killed. Anyone who trafficks another has zero value for life or humanity. They won't think twice in disposing of it... This new legislation is going to be a death sentence for many. Originally Posted by VegasJen
As usual, Jen, you make too much sense for the likes of TinyTree, GotYour6, and many others on here. But then before they actually think about the problem in serious terms, they have to care--which they do not. Sad--not for them, but for those who will get hurt by these stupid laws.

The government doesn't know how to tell the difference between escorts and sex trafficking, to them it's all the same thing and that's the problem. Originally Posted by bankai
They could tell the difference if they WANTED to, but they don't. It suits their agendas to "believe" all sex workers are forced into it. Whether it is the LW extremists who are for women's sexual rights--so long as THEY get to set the rules, or whether it's the RW Thumpers who want to make all women "properly subservient" to the man in their lives as the bible and the quran tell them, it is a much better spin to eliminate all sex workers and try to claim the moral high ground in so doing.

And if anything, it might make women/girls MORE prone to being trafficked.. Not less. Originally Posted by garhkal
Of course it will. The biggest blow to pimps and traffickers was the internet, when ladies could take charge of their own marketing, advertisement, and screening. Take that away and many of the youngest, most vulnerable ones will find themselves in a far worse situation. And too many of the bill's supporters will either not understand or not care.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Don't feed the trolls.
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
no one wants to see eccie close because of SESTA/FOSTA law
suggestion to keep eccie alive---change name from
and have the girls clean up their ads-similar to p411 so we can all avoid any legal hassles or expenses