Rooibos Tea

bojulay's Avatar
Anyone else tried this tea?

I mix the green tea and the dark together in an infuser for a milder
flavor. I found that straight green is too light in flavor and straight
dark is too heavy, so I mix it two parts green to one part dark.

Regular teas from China and India have too many contaminants now
from pesticides and manufacturing in those countries, heavy metals
and other contaminants.

Rooibos comes from South Africa and is a bush rather than a regular
tea plant, and has shown to have no contaminants.

I like the mild flavor also.

I buy Port Trading Co. Brand in bulk from
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 11-15-2015, 01:55 PM

I had some Rooibos tea, not bad. There are some other excellent teas from Africa around if you research it ...Interesting to note , I read that the most pesticidized crops are coffee crops actually.

If I start talking about teas I will be outed, lol.
bojulay's Avatar

I had some Rooibos tea, not bad. There are some other excellent teas from Africa around if you research it ...Interesting to note , I read that the most pesticidized crops are coffee crops actually.

If I start talking about teas I will be outed, lol. Originally Posted by Ashi
Yeah, doing some research I found that a lot of the contaminants in China
especially and India also are from manufacturing plants, the contaminates
have leached into the soil, plus also from pesticides as well.