I saw a picture of the area around the main homeless center in Austin yesterday. I swear it looked just like San Francisco. When Austin first decided to let the homeless camp out I thought "who in their right mind would do this?"
Come to find out the mayor of Austin doesn't have a brain.
He is now hurting the homeless in Austin more. And that's sad.
DPST leadership is tryin gto create a "homeless" minority to add to their Plantation- they see votes they can buy with diverted tax monies - and vulnerable people to vote-fixing for the DPST's.
Yea the liberal down there will "house them now" on your tax money SOOO clean up to what end
Same old liberal let / cause the problem and then "fix" by tax money ,,,,
The following clip is the Mayor of Austin trying to explain his way out of the City's plight. It appears to me he really doesn't have a plan to combat Austin's homeless problem.
Fake News comes from the right, as well. we had a news report on this, the other day, in Dallas.. during the "report", the cameraman focused for several seconds, for a close up on a syringe needle laying on the pavement. no word about drugs, just the implied statement that ALL Homeless people are hooked on Heroin.
So far, you’re the one chirping racist stuff. Where did you live, Yellowknife? And why did you leave, to run for office in the States? Or was it to take advantage of that fine US health care? Or did they catch you trying to backdoor a Blackfeet on the res?
looks like the gov. is going to move the homeless to a campsite on state property in the austin area. He says it will have bathroom facilities and other stuff.
I can see the logic of camping under the underpass. its good shelter from rain. does it rain alot in austin?
we have homeless camping under the underpass in new orleans. they also beg too. they seem to have a rotation system.