Looks vs. skills

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 05-11-2010, 09:07 PM
What is most important in a hobby fantasy/experience, a gorgeous body and face, the skills and services provided or a special connection?
SpursFan's Avatar
All of the above!

We are different and searching for that lady who has the look and the skills to make it work.

Otherwise a compromise of the two is what occurs.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-11-2010, 11:00 PM
Optimally, I would like all three. Ultimately, I would be more concerned about having the latter two for they almost always provide what is necessary for a great time.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
Most important: skills and services provided
2nd important: connection
3rd important: gorgeous body and face
ammonite's Avatar
For me connection is most important, followed closely by skills. Looks and a toned body are nice, but the connection is the main thing.
rgvpapi's Avatar
I guess it just depends on what you are looking for at the time...

any one of the three can get the job done for me, as I am a younger hobbyist and it really doesn't take much, but I think the combination of those qualities is what gets my REPEAT business...
sanantonioman37's Avatar
so true
textodd11's Avatar
All three because they're all related in my mind to the overall experience. Looks are very important to me because they allow for the connection to be made in the first place. I just can't make that connection if I'm not physically attracted to someone. Also, the measure of "skills" is very relative to each individual. I mean, if you make a great connection with someone, won't that also influence your perception of their "skills"? Personally for me, it all starts with attraction.
CharlieKelly's Avatar
I would say looks. Even if a provider has a1 skills, I have a hard time cumming if I don't find her attractive.
Willen's Avatar
What SAman37 says. Imagine being with the hottest babe you can imagine. Then imagine you are doing your best and she is yawning, glancing repeatedly at her wristwatch, talking about random subjects, etc. For me, she'd have to be really, really repulsive physically not to make it well done BBBJ or whatever preferable to the previous experience. But that's just me.

And of course, the gorgeous ones are obvious; the BCD All-stars require research.