Rates going UP

I have decided to increase my half hour rate to 150. Lately, I have been feeling like the proverbial “blow up doll” and not an escort… and most certainly NOT a lady. It is my hope that by leaving my hour rate the same and increasing my half hour rate, I will encourage gentlemen to stay the whole hour.

I want to be able to take ten minutes and have a conversation with you. I’d like to share a glass of wine and rub your neck and shoulders. Lately, no one has been interested in an hour session, and it discourages me. It makes me feel mechanical. I have to say that when a gentleman walks in to my home and engages with me verbally and mentally for the first few minutes, I am MORE attracted to him than if we just jump on each other. It seems like investing those first few minutes in conversation is completely worth it because, later on, the sex is much hotter. I want HOT sex.

I have a hard time getting excited with a man who grunts a hello, drops his drawers, and just shoves my mouth onto him. I want to enjoy myself. I really do, but lately I’ve been getting more and more of this “just hurry up and service me” attitude. YOUR needs are first and foremost, but I think it’s safe to say that most gentlemen want the lady to have an enjoyable time too. Furthermore, I am an entertainer. It is my job to entertain you. Entertainment encompasses: conversational stimulation, an enjoyable atmosphere, and satisfying activities. I feel like a half hour doesn’t give me the time to achieve my “A-GAME” entertainer status.
However, I understand that people have VERY busy lives and might only be able to schedule a quickie lunch session, which is why I will continue to offer a half hour opportunity.
CyberProf's Avatar
Actually - your rationale is why I wish more providers had a reasonably priced 90 min rate - I can't do msog for 90 min at my age, but prefer a bit more connection time . . .
Mature Companion's Avatar
I have decided to increase my half hour rate to 150. Lately, I have been feeling like the proverbial “blow up doll” and not an escort… and most certainly NOT a lady. It is my hope that by leaving my hour rate the same and increasing my half hour rate, I will encourage gentlemen to stay the whole hour.

I want to be able to take ten minutes and have a conversation with you. I’d like to share a glass of wine and rub your neck and shoulders. Lately, no one has been interested in an hour session, and it discourages me. It makes me feel mechanical. I have to say that when a gentleman walks in to my home and engages with me verbally and mentally for the first few minutes, I am MORE attracted to him than if we just jump on each other. It seems like investing those first few minutes in conversation is completely worth it because, later on, the sex is much hotter. I want HOT sex.

I have a hard time getting excited with a man who grunts a hello, drops his drawers, and just shoves my mouth onto him. I want to enjoy myself. I really do, but lately I’ve been getting more and more of this “just hurry up and service me” attitude. YOUR needs are first and foremost, but I think it’s safe to say that most gentlemen want the lady to have an enjoyable time too. Furthermore, I am an entertainer. It is my job to entertain you. Entertainment encompasses: conversational stimulation, an enjoyable atmosphere, and satisfying activities. I feel like a half hour doesn’t give me the time to achieve my “A-GAME” entertainer status.
However, I understand that people have VERY busy lives and might only be able to schedule a quickie lunch session, which is why I will continue to offer a half hour opportunity.
Originally Posted by brittanylennox

As an older woman. I understand whole heartily in how you feel.
That is why I'm selective in whom I meet & the type of dates I enjoy with my companions.
You should never be subjected to feel anything less than a woman.
Regardless of what this adult lifestyle is about. You deserve to feel like
a woman at all times. No exceptions!

My suggestion to you. Would be to be *very* selective/picky in whom ou spend your time with. Forego offering 1/2hrs all together.
And don't let any hobbyist force your mouth onto him for any reason.
Regardless if he's paying for it. It's your body. You control all the when & hows etc.
The more selective you are in whom you meet. And the more demanding you are, that men treat you with respect & like a lady. The more you will
enjoy the company of the men you meet.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
Actually thats why I don't do half hour appointments. So, I understand. Its not all about a splish, splash, rub and a tug. Besides with everything you do in a session its hard to cram it all in to a half hour block, it would just seemed rush. That is definitely not your style.
shooter1a's Avatar
Brit, I think you may need to readjust your clients. Your more than that.
I usually only book for 1/2h sessions, time is usually critical.. But, there is no reason not to stop and chat. Time is never that rushed. I havent tried a 15 min session as offered by some. I have on rare occasions talked away the whole session; booked for the next day and still managed an enjoyable time.
As our fearless leader has mentioned repeatedly, sex is more between your ears than between your legs.
Even with my ATF, I show up with a bottle of properly chilled Spanish wine, talk for maybe ten minutes as we drink a glass, in about ten minutes the glass is on the floor only half used and we are at it like teenagers.
The reason I refuse to consider companions as prostitutes is that they have the right to see who they please just as any lady might. You pick and choose, and with your looks you should not have to see an asshole. Unless rimming is involved or he has really small balls
bigrich75's Avatar
oh well...
Mossman's Avatar
Well...I don't think I'd wait for the phone to blow up with that announcement! Talk is cheap unless your paying for it.

I was thinking about this too... offering hour and 90 minute rates versus having the 30 minute and hour rates.

Its hard to discern what a "reasonably" priced 90 minute rate is. What is "reasonable" for you is considered a "waste" by some. Just look at Mossman's response.
Budman's Avatar
I have decided to increase my half hour rate to 150. Lately, I have been feeling like the proverbial “blow up doll” and not an escort… and most certainly NOT a lady. It is my hope that by leaving my hour rate the same and increasing my half hour rate, I will encourage gentlemen to stay the whole hour.

Originally Posted by brittanylennox

Why not lower your hour rate or make your 1/2 hour rate good for 45 minutes. This post seems like a BS thread made for two reasons; 1) keep your name on the first page of the discussion section by getting others to comment and then replying. Thereby generating business. IE an AD. 2) Get others to feel sorry for you and post replies telling you how you should never feel less than a lady, blah blah blah..... Thereby keeping your name on the first page. IE an AD.

If you feel that by keeping this thread on top is causing publicity for me, then why did you post in it? Why not start a new topic and bury it instead?

You seem to have some animosity towards me, and I'm not quite sure what I did to personally offend YOU. If you do not feel that I deserve to be treated like a lady, then so be it.

I'm not sure I follow your logic in making my current half hour rate good for 45 minutes. I think 100 for 45 minutes is unfair.

I'm VERY tempted to give a discounted 90 and 120 minute rate. The idea is to get gentlemen to STAY with me. I want YOUR company. I want to spend as much time with you as possible.
Dick Diamond's Avatar

I'm VERY tempted to give a discounted 90 and 120 minute rate. The idea is to get gentlemen to STAY with me. I want YOUR company. I want to spend as much time with you as possible. Originally Posted by brittanylennox
I would also be tempted at a discounted 90 and 120 minute rate.

Take Care,
Mossman's Avatar
I wasn't trying to be insulting I'm just not sure I follow the logic of what you are proposing. I think you answered you own query when you said lately they only want half hour appointments. You're making it a value judgement of your worth while I think what they're saying is this is what I can afford now. I did a half hour once and there is hardly time for satisfying s*x let alone get to know you talk. Anyway I was only half serious in saying that the phone will tell you if you are right or wrong when you do this. If you believe in your idea try it, you can always change your mind. After all, that is a lady's perogative.
Will do Mossman..... will do
With all due respect to you Brittany...these are my thoughts. If you're feeling disrespected...how is changing your 1/2hr rate going to change your comfort level? Trust me, the extra donation is NOT going to make you feel less disrespected!

If you have the need to take a few minutes to warm up and drink some wine...then do it...regardless of whether it's just a 1/2hr appointment. I've always offered 1/2hr appointments due to a few hobbyists whose time is limited...and I have never felt disrespected...even if they do have to rush sometimes. I understand the situation and know what's to be expected. Do I always like THEM to feel rushed, no, of course not. Do I rush them out the door right at 30 minutes...rarely to never. Like you, I enjoy chatting a bit before, etc., and if that's what you want...then make it happen...it's only a difference of 10 to 15 minutes of your time.

I'm not saying you shouldn't change your menu...that's your decision. I'm just saying it may help you to take the opportunity to change the way you look at your situation. Make some minor changes to help resolve your issues...rather than making a decision that may backfire on your business.

At the end of the day...it's YOUR business and only YOU know what is going to work for you...but, I hope my .02 cents helps.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-16-2010, 11:23 PM
Frankly, I have never understood the half hour appointments. To me that is simply not enough time to fully enjoy each others company. After all, that is the goal, right? At least that is my goal.

It has been my experience that a full hour or two is so much better.

And the ladies who I have seen will know what I am talking about.