The stink of death and decay...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was looking over the political landscape yesterday and I detected a foul, putrid smell coming from the left. I launched my stealth drone to check it out. I came across an encampment not too far away. Political operatives and donors were milling around without purpose outside a large tent. Just inside the mouth of the tent I could see Hillary Clinton. She had her foot elevated and that was the source of the smell. She had shots this particular foot many times and then put it in her mouth. It had become infected and gangrenous. So far it is just her foot. She could survive but I also noted buzzards perched nearby. One looked like Martin O'Malley, another was a dead ringer for Bernie Sanders. In the distance I could hears the cries of a Warren and a Brown. It doesn't look good for the Hillary as her supporters are quietly leaving the camp.
The stink of death and decay... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Pardon me!

I thought this thread was going to be about a typical day in JD's hometown of Idiotville.

Carry on!
LexusLover's Avatar
Pardon me! Originally Posted by bigtex
No. But you are excused. Where is Webb, by the way?
Then judy woke up and discovered his nose was in his BF'S armpit.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They wouldn't let Webb in the camp.
I was looking over the political landscape yesterday and I detected a foul, putrid smell coming from the left. I launched my stealth drone to check it out. I came across an encampment not too far away. Political operatives and donors were milling around without purpose outside a large tent. Just inside the mouth of the tent I could see Hillary Clinton. She had her foot elevated and that was the source of the smell. She had shots this particular foot many times and then put it in her mouth. It had become infected and gangrenous. So far it is just her foot. She could survive but I also noted buzzards perched nearby. One looked like Martin O'Malley, another was a dead ringer for Bernie Sanders. In the distance I could hears the cries of a Warren and a Brown. It doesn't look good for the Hillary as her supporters are quietly leaving the camp. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
She had shots this foot? Jesus Christ, do you ever edit?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I may have to start calling you Typo Dan. You know, I don't know whether to be flattered or worried. You're following me around trying to override my remarks. Typo aside, no comment about the content? I didn't think so. Not your forte is it? You're just another troll hiding under the bridge. You don't really start anything or put yourself out there. You just snipe from the weeds. For now, you're just Baby Killer.
I may have to start calling you Typo Dan. You know, I don't know whether to be flattered or worried. You're following me around trying to override my remarks. Typo aside, no comment about the content? I didn't think so. Not your forte is it? You're just another troll hiding under the bridge. You don't really start anything or put yourself out there. You just snipe from the weeds. For now, you're just Baby Killer. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Comment about what admiral? Your pointless post? Nobody is commenting because it's a waste of time and bandwidth, like 95% of what you post.
No. But you are excused. Where is Webb, by the way? Originally Posted by LexusLover
There's no excuse for Bigkotex, LL, you know that.

In horse racing parlance, Webb is "field in view."

I thought this thread was about WTF's account.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank you SLOBBRIN, for the enlightening display of cut and paste.

Frankly, JDIdiot ... BRING IT ON, DIPSHIT! As shrill as your mewling is now, I can't wait to hear your head explode on Election Day 2016... if you make it that long!

LMAO @ foul stench idiot...

There's no excuse for Bigkotex, LL, you know that. Originally Posted by gnadfly
And here we have LLIdiot's dependable LapTurd buzzin' into the Idiotville Nursing Home and doing his best to get an approving from the Patriarchal Idiot.

Hey TurdyIdiot, get LLIdiot's antiquated weenie out of your mouth.

LL'Idiot's smelly ol' jizz dripping down your chin is not very becoming.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No response from the lefties except insults. There is no defense.
I was looking over the political landscape yesterday and I detected a foul, putrid smell coming from the left. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No response from the lefties except insults. There is no defense. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Gee, I can't help but wonder what type of responses that JDIdiot expected when he specifically started another of his totally worthless threads, with the sole intention to insult "lefties?"

Is he stupid enough that he actually expected a attaboy from the "lefties"? Probably so!

Yes, JD is the prototypical Idiot!

Please carefully read the first sentence which (JDIdiot) wrote in the initial post of this thread and let us know if you agree or disagree with JDIdiot's feigned outrage over the "lefties insults."

It should be noted "there is no defense" for JDIdiot's stupidity. (See exact quote above.)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How many times do you have to prove me correct Tampon.