NCNS by Taylortay, sigh... such a waste

  • Hansk
  • 05-05-2014, 09:56 PM
Let's start off by stating that probably everyone at some point or another in this hobby gets NCNS. Still pisses me off tho, especially with a provider who is in the top tier price point. Guess just to me they are to be held to a higher standard, I don't know. I'm just raging hard cause I'm pissed at all this wasted time. But when a girl charges like 300, 400, 500 an hour and probably can because of how hot they are, you'd think they would be a little bit more professional I guess with how they handle their business. I was wrong in this particular case

So I found Tayl0rTay's ad Sunday night and pm her, she responds really quick, within minutes and she gives me her cell and we start texting. We agree on Monday night, and text all day, off and on, and she's really sweet, super fast responses. Then finally about 45 minutes before the appointment, she texts me the address, I tell her I'm leaving my place. About halfway there she even texts me something like "I'm here waiting for you" and then when I get to the place, and text her, call her, there's nothing... Nada... Crickets... Called and texted her about 5 times each the next 30 minutes hoping it was something simple like phone died or she was taking a shower or something, but no response even to this moment writing this 2 hours later.

I understand shit happens, I understand having to cancel last minute, those are all legit things, I even understand something like "I don't feel like seeing you anymore" or "I'm tired and want to call it a night" But what I don't get is why you wouldn't just text back one damn sentence saying I'm canceling for whatever reason, don't even care what it is. The whole silence thing is so damn frustrating and to top it off of course its around the 635/35 area where the 3 exits to the damn place were closed so I had to sit in like 15 minutes of traffic to get to a left turn.

Anyways, I don't really know what good these posts about NCNS do, but I'm sure half the people who didn't even know who she was will see how hot she is and decide to see her lol, and the other half might stay away cause of this possibly happening to them. It is what it is, I know I'm just pissed about it

This is her profile
  • Hansk
  • 05-05-2014, 11:32 PM
Well she finally replied that she passed out. What can you do, shit happens, that's life
aubie79's Avatar
Indeed....shit happens. Probably wasn't going to be worth the anticipation so feel good about the 4 bills you get to keep in your pocket.
love_jones's Avatar
Yeah bro...those of us who experienced this feel ya...but...There is "A Lot" of beautiful women out here who would be willing to see you to make up for her lost...Trust me...I just experienced it recently....