Sorry for the spam mail

Apparently, overnight my email was hacked. There was a bunch of spam mail that I was alerted to this morning that was sent out.

I'm not in London. I'm still here in Dallas. I've never been out of country. I did not send out those messages. So, if you got one... disregard it.

I have changed my email password to stop further spam from being sent out.

Sorry for the spamming. Not my fault.

Thanks for alerting me, regulars. I hate when this happens.

Ladies, its a good thing to change your password every thirty days it seems. This is the third time this has happened to my email.

I wish everyone the best for the remainder of the week.

Thanks for the alert, fellas.

Old Sarge, always good waking up to a text message from you. LOL.

Amber Rain
I figured something was up. Hackers should burn.
Yep.. for real. But, I'm glad that people realized it wasn't me. So, have no fear... I'm still here....

In Dallas.

Wordsmith's Avatar
Same thing happened to me but it was Italy.