
txguy7156's Avatar
Has anyone looked for a roomate before?..Did you put adds on craigslist? Where else would you suggest looking?
shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 06-20-2012, 06:39 PM
I'd stick to craigslist and indicate that you will do a background check. That will weed out about 75% of the respondents that you probably wouldn't want anyway.
Not sure how well either site works but ...

Roothead's Avatar
during grad school days back in NYC (20 yrs ago), I was on both sides of the equation... did the alt newspapers thing (aka Village Voice - aka BackPage) as well as Word of Mouth.... WoM worked best every time... assuming you own a house (vs leasing an apt/condo/house that would require the would-be roommate to also sign the lease), it is definitively worth while to do a detailed background check, including employment, criminal and financial.... also, get one month of security deposit as a show of good faith and make certain you have an iron-clad lease document that allows you to legally evict them .... back in the day, things were done on a handshake.... now, I have an RE mgmt firm run my rental units - too much risk to be had otherwise .... good luck
txguy7156's Avatar
I put a add up on craigslist. No responses I own the house and I have a pool so hopefully that will help get some responses. We shall see. I did put background check and 1 month deposit also. I figure my only problem is location. I'm in crowley so that is kind of out of the way for people. Thanks for the responses. Going to look at roomates. com also.