When would you support impeachment?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you understood that the IRS was weaponized by the White House to go after political enemies (and some may have been democrats) and there was a proven link to Obama himself....would you support impeachment then?

What if we find that Obama placed himself out of the way on the night of Benghazi to avoid having to make a decision or to avoid being bothered or to get high with his beard...would you support impeachment then?

What if it was shown that there was a secret deal with the Taliban that they would....maybe lay off the US during the last years of Obama in exchange for their generals, would you support impeachment?
If you understood that the IRS was weaponized by the White House to go after political enemies (and some may have been democrats) and there was a proven link to Obama himself....would you support impeachment then?

What if we find that Obama placed himself out of the way on the night of Benghazi to avoid having to make a decision or to avoid being bothered or to get high with his beard...would you support impeachment then?

What if it was shown that there was a secret deal with the Taliban that they would....maybe lay off the US during the last years of Obama in exchange for their generals, would you support impeachment? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
America has spoken in 2008 and again in 2012. Your candidate lost both times! Get over it!

Your intense hatred of all things other than Far Right Wing Tea Nut knows no bounds.

By the way, how did the impeachment proceedings of Clinton work out for you guys?

Perhaps it is time for the Idiot Family to get a life and move on! I heard Syria is nice this time of year.

Don't let the airplane door close on your worthless ass on the way out!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I figured someone with your intellect would be stymied by the questions. This is not about elections at all so why bring them up. Nixon was elected twice and Clinton was elected twice. This is about what happened after the election...unless you're admitting that something happened before the election? Are you admitting that?

As for Clinton...you are a silly one aren't you? Clinton lied under oath, Clinton broke the law but Clinton only affected people around himself. Obama has very likely used the IRS for poitical purposes, and the NSA, and the EPA, and struck at a large number of American citizens and our Constitution. What he did is far worse than anything Clinton or Nixon did or were accused of doing.
What he did is far worse than anything Clinton or Nixon did or were accused of doing. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
  • jwood
  • 06-26-2014, 06:23 AM
The facts are the facts, he fucked up. He's hiding to much from the us. He needs to go. Think how much it will save if we just get rid of Michelle, staff of over 20, really.
The facts are the facts, he fucked up. He's hiding to much from the us. He needs to go. Think how much it will save if we just get rid of Michelle, staff of over 20, really. Originally Posted by jwood
Tell us once again, why is it that you guys always want to escort a Democratic President out of office but have no problem with a Republican President starting two unfunded wars, with one of those wars started for WMD's that they were unable to locate? As if that's not enough, he left his successor with the worst economy since The Great Depression.

As for me, I strongly believe The Shrub was either incompetent or he actually lied about WMD's. He was a total failure as a President but I never once suggested he should be removed from office.


The simple facts are, Obama will be our (special emphasis on our) President until January 20, 2016. Quit crying like a bunch of whiny fucking babies. Live with it cuz' it's not going to change!

Fuel for thought: Were you guys able to remove Clinton from office? How did that work out for you? Ol' Bill left office with approvals much higher than The Shrub! And I'm willing to bet that Obama's approvals when he leaves office will be higher than the Shrub's exit approvals too. Any takers?


With 2 years left, Obama is already damaged goods. Impeachment will only hurt the anti-Obama trend. Let history deal with him.

I am certain Obama will go down as the most failed presidency in American history....even if Hillary is our next President, she will do a better job with the economy than Obama. Her success will expose Obama to be the incompetent boob he is.

With 2 years left, Obama is already damaged goods. Impeachment will only hurt the anti-Obama trend. Let history deal with him.

I am certain Obama will go down as the most failed presidency in American history....even if Hillary is our next President, she will do a better job with the economy than Obama. Her success will expose Obama to be the incompetent boob he is. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The best thing that could ever happen to Obama's legacy would be for Trendy to boldly make the claim that:


Hell, Obama might leave office with approval's in the 60's now.
I'll take that bet! He won't !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hell, Obama might leave office with approval's in the 60's now. Originally Posted by bigtex
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-26-2014, 07:27 AM

With 2 years left, Obama is already damaged goods. Impeachment will only hurt the anti-Obama trend. Let history deal with him.

I am certain Obama will go down as the most failed presidency in American history....even if Hillary is our next President, she will do a better job with the economy than Obama. Her success will expose Obama to be the incompetent boob he is. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
At least Whirly understands the politics of how bad impeachment is.

In this case JD is our Sonny Corleone and Whirly is Michael.

JD emotional reaction will get you shot on the toll way! Listen to Whirly.
I'll take that bet! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Trendy has accepted the following bet:

And I'm willing to bet that Obama's approvals when he leaves office will be higher than the Shrub's exit approvals too. Any takers? Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey Trendy, shall we say $500.00?
No. I won't wager money because of the problems with collection.

But I will wager this:

If Obama Approval rating isn't higher than 60% on January 1, 2017, you disable your account (BigTex and all other handles) for six months. If Obama's Approval rating is above 60% on that date, then I will disable my account/handle for six months.

The Gallup Daily Obama Job Approval polling track will be the basis for the rating:


Good luck sucker.
No. I won't wager money because of the problems with collection. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Are you already trying to back away from the only bet I offered and that you previously accepted? The bet offer follows:

I'm willing to bet that Obama's approvals when he leaves office will be higher than the Shrub's exit approvals too. Any takers? Originally Posted by bigtex

Shall we say $500.00?
  • jwood
  • 06-26-2014, 07:44 AM
Obama is Bush's saving grace in the worst President dept.
Got that right !!!!

Obama is Bush's saving grace in the worst President dept. Originally Posted by jwood