I'm a novice when it comes to jewelry. I'm looking for a trustworthy place to get good jewelry at a reasonable price.
When I was in Chicago, I visited Tiffany's, and although I think it's trustworthy, I think you also pay a premium for the name. I tried their website, but it bothered me a lot that they were pretty slim on the details of each item.
I've also navigated around http://www.bluenile.com, and I think they are trustworthy (rated #1 by Forbes Magazine), I'm not convinced they are the best deal. Also, they tend to specialize in engagement and wedding sets...not at all what I am looking for.
Ideally, I would like a trustworthy and reasonable store that sold a variety of types of jewelry. Everything from earrings to necklaces to rings and everything in between.
I'm a little put off by chain stores like Zales & Kays. I think the mass marketing kind of ruins the "specialness" of the item. And the quality of the piece seems to be lower.
I know, I know, I'm wanting a fine champagne on a beer budget. But there are lots of knowledgeable people on the board, and I thought I'd throw it out.