Nasty Computer Virus

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Did anyone else pick up a nasty computer virus following the attack on the Eccie board recently?

I thought my system had caught everything before it did any damage, but my system is acting funny. Pages not loading, links not working.

I tried to do a system restore to a month prior, but that did not work.

If anyone had problems and was able to fix them, please report how you did it.

. . . We just don't need to hear about how great your Mac system is, we know that!

canuckvic's Avatar
I took mine in today to my computer guru today, he says it will take until Wednesday to clean. It is nasty. I wasn't sure where I got it because I hadn't been on anything that I haven't in the past.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

That is not good news!

Every time I take my computer in to the shop, they want to fix it the easy way and just wipe my entire system clean, but it is hell to re-install all the software I have already have loaded.

. . .I just want a magic bullet!

canuckvic's Avatar
My guy is awesome, it just takes a couple of days each time becuase of the mother computer he hooks up to it. Gets the virus and leaves all of my stuff loaded still. $79.95 each time, a bargain considering. Just a pain to be without it a couple of days. But I've got like 5 laptops in the house.
Yes I think I picked up something here too. I used a company that does a remote scan and clean took about six hours to do it. They found a few thousand fragmented files that slowed down everything and a couple of Trojan worms that affect incomming and out going info. Problems like this have to be dealt with by professional means.
wait.. the board got hit with a virus? my Linux system did not notice.....
canuckvic's Avatar

. . . We just don't need to hear about how great your Mac system is, we know that!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
wait.. the board got hit with a virus? my Linux system did not notice..... Originally Posted by Spirit13
Too bad your Linux system can't teach you to read
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-12-2012, 11:18 PM
Let's stick to the thread topic please.
happybanana's Avatar
Picked it up too... it was a tracking bot that track's keystrokes. 3 hours of Trend and it was go...
I thought i had picked it up from some accidental mouse click on one of the ad's here...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-13-2012, 07:24 AM
Norton AV blocked Bloodhound.23 from hitting my box

Threat; SEVERE.

no way to tell if it came from here
Running a mac here. Is it a keylogger? Because my email got hacked over the weekend. Someone from Nigeria logged in...
Cpalmson's Avatar
Well this is my hobby computer-- no issues, but my kids' computer got hit with Malware, but I that machine doesn't access ECCIE or any adult oriented sites. I think my kid picked it up by playing princess games-- LOL. Easy enough to fix, just ran MalwareBytes. That is best program I've seen to date.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I've been speaking with several well-trained IT techs about this problem over the last two days.

The indicated that I needed to eradicate the virus immedetially, because the fiendish Trojan will worm its way deeper and deeper into the CPU and infect my entire system so bad that the computer won't run at all!

They recommended that I try Malwarebytes, which is a free program for the basic version.

The site recommends that you buy the Professional edition if virus or Trojans are detected and it did find 4 nasty ones. Am running a full deep scan now, but that process is already taking over two hours, but it did unearth two more worms hidden deeper in the system.

If you that suspect your system may be infected, you might try Malwarebytes for free at this website.
I don't know if the attack on my mailbox was through this site or not, but have taken the following steps:
  • I got antivirus for my Mac
  • I got an external hard drive to back up my hard drive
  • I no longer click on links sent to me in email. If it's something I have to do, I type in the URL myself and do what needs to be done.
  • I delete spam without reading it. If I delete a valid email that looks like spam that's tough.

In nearly 20 years of PCs and 5 years of Macs, I've never had a problem. Of course I always had protection on the PC. But on the Mac, I've gone bare. I spent too much time recovering stuff over the weekend to go through that again.
Guest031213-03's Avatar
I hate to sound like an idiot but my laptop has been running slower than usual lately. My norton didn't pick up a virus or let me know. Is this something I should worry about?