I have heard of the powder room, and was curious how to get in it? Any info appreciated
send an email request to powderroom@eccie.net
Will do, thx
I sent it, I guess it takes a couple days to arrange it?
Amy, check out this thread for more information:

Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I applied to the powder room and was told acceptance was on hold at the moment. We all just wait patiently now
Thanks for the info everybody.
I applied several months ago,got one reply and was told to wait for a few days.I tried a few more times emailing & still never got another reply of acceptence,denial or anyrhing at all. I still saved my originals in case I need to re do all over again but wondered why no replies but the one in beginning and few months....no answers ?
Yes, same thing with me! I meet all the requirements, but apparently they put a hold on admitting new providers.
Well i had it..then one da i go ton it was gone..
Ladies, all I have to offer you is what Fawn said:

hey ladies, let me try to answer a few of your questions.... You must be an active provider with a showcase and the bio filled out, one year on the board or 250 post with active reviews....
If you feel you meet these requirements send a request to : powderroom@eccie.net
Originally Posted by fawn
Please realize that their are only 4 ladies that oversee the access to the Powder Room. If you have previously sent an email to powderroom@eccie.net you might want to send another one and try again.

The Colonel
They are not approving anyone at the moment due to security issues. We just have to wait patiently.
notanewbie's Avatar
it's not all that, trust me. Most of the stuff is in the alerts anyway.
Just make sure you have infoshare access. There are so many leaks in the Powder Room and that has made it to where a lot of ladies have stopped posting in there.

ProviderBuzz is the best place to learn of any alerts on a guy.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Maybe they don't care about alerts but just want a place where no guys post