What is the best AV/Malware software for a MAC?

There have been an abundance of posts regarding AV software due to the recent attacks on this site. Everybody agrees that if you are using pc with a Windows OS, you need AV/Malware software for protection with many suggestions as to what the best software is. There has also been a lot of sentiment that you should have protection for a MAC as well, but I haven't seen any specific software suggestions like there is for a Windows PC. So how about it, what is the best AV/Malware software for a MAC. My MAC is not set up to run Window programs, but it is on a home network that includes 3 Windows PC's.
Guest082318's Avatar
You don't need AV/Malware software for a Mac. There are a few exploits out there but they just try and trick you into installing something which you have to put in your password to do.
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  • Mokoa
  • 03-27-2012, 08:53 PM
Most of the anti-virus products already have a version for Macs. My favorite, Avast!, has one...


You don't need AV/Malware software for a Mac. There are a few exploits out there but they just try and trick you into installing something which you have to put in your password to do. Originally Posted by hardnfast
Do not ever make the mistake that your Mac or Linux computer is immune. There is plenty of malicious code out there for both. Heard of the nasty stuff that gets into your web based email like Hotmail, Gmail, etc. and spams everyone in the contact list? Well remember that since those systems are web based and not on your computer it does not matter what kind of computer you have.