sofiaofhouston's Avatar
maybe they should have a "NO THUG" policy......
I have seen this posted about a great deal and I have never understood the reasoning for it except whining. Just like when I was actively seeing escorts, I never saw black ladies for a reason. Nothing against them but it was my choice. This is a selective “hobby” and people can see who they want to see, when they want to see them and it is the one with the "kitty" that ultimately decides who gets seen just like it is the one with the bucks that decides who gets seen first.
srvfin's Avatar
I have seen this posted about a great deal and I have never understood the reasoning for it except whining. Just like when I was actively seeing escorts, I never saw black ladies for a reason. Nothing against them but it was my choice. This is a selective “hobby” and people can see who they want to see, when they want to see them and it is the one with the "kitty" that ultimately decides who gets seen just like it is the one with the bucks that decides who gets seen first. Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Amen Brother!
ferdburf's Avatar
1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.

Hmm, rocket scientist I'm not, but that might be a brilliant idea not to see thugs!
ibechill's Avatar
I know some girls who have a NFA policy
No Fats Allowed.
simpleton's Avatar
how can you tell if their a thug before you meet them?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Easily- the vocabulary. Their behavior asking providers they have seen what they are like...and the peekhole at the door...
Randall Creed's Avatar
I GUARANTEE you neither of you (LD, srv and any others) would feel that way if you fit into a group that was the most selected to be 'preferred' AGAINST.

I bet right now if 50 scattered providers said, "I'll see anyone except LonesomeDove and Srvfin". Initially, you wouldn't care about the first couple that you saw posting such information. But when it's DAY AFTER DAY, you've seen her pictures, read her bio, and THEN at the bottom...oh yeah, no LonesomeDove/Srvfin, it would start to wear on you. In some instances you've even called her, halfway got the appointment set up, only to get asked, "Are you LonesomeDove/Srvfin?" Even worse, you could be halfway to her incall and get asked, "Are you LonesomeDove/Srvfin? Oh, I'm sorry. I don't see.....CLICK!!

Or you may see, "I don't discriminate, but I don't see Srvfin/LonesomeDove. Sorry...just a preference.

You may catch a break where they say, "I only see Srvfin/Dove if they're over 35"

They'll give you flimsy reasons like, Guys like Dove always tries to get freebies or he's a pimp or guys like Srv's dicks are too big or I have a boyfriend named Srv and he doesn't want me seeing anyone else named Srv...sorry.

Even if the greater percentage of ladies WILL see you, it's that evergrowing group that won't see that just GNAWS at you.

The reason the question continues to surface is because DESPITE the cheapskate, freebie seeking, big dick having, wannabe pimping, rough-upping THUGS being of ALL RACES AND DEMOGRAPHICS, the only one who is ROUTINELY singled out is the black man.

Say a provider gets roughed up by two guys on different occasions. One is white and one is black. Chances are she won't remember much about the white guy. Ask her about height, approx. weight, hair color, or facial features and they SEEM to draw a blank. Ask them about the 'brotha'. "Oh, he was 5'8", about 160lbs, wore glasses, bald, talked with a squeaky voice, and had a tattoo of Biggie Smalls on his right arm." Don't get me wrong. It pisses me off to hear about ANY of these women getting hurt/robbed by ANY of these idiots. But the reports seem to be more detailed when a black guy is the culprit. Just saying.

The way I see it, there aren't enough black guys with any 'board cred' to be a problem. Chances are, the ones that are doing the screwing up DON'T USE SITES LIKE THIS. They're riff-raff who circle around CL and BP like vultures. If I or any other BM WHO USE THIS SITE mistreats one of the ladies in here, how hard would it be for them to open up a thread and tell the world how I shortchanged them or got rough? The riff raff who uses 20 different handles on BP can get away with it. I can't. So it shouldn't be a problem for me to see any provider who uses this or any other board (assuming I pass her screening). But it is, and they know who they are....and that's their 'preference'.
ANONONE's Avatar
Well Rambro,

You and others will be happy to know that I turned down a lady that was touring up here over this exact situation. I was not even aware this was a hot topic on the board.

I was finishing the last of my screening with her and she sent an email asking if I was African American.

This really just pissed me off. I let her know that it pissed me off and asked her why this was part of her screening process. She then sent me this long-winded explanation about being born in the south and that her parents raised her. . .

I stopped reading her diatribe to revisit her web site to see if she had any pics of her there modeling that new sexy line of lingerie the klan was selling:

. . .and that she was sorry but she could not see me because I was obviously African American since I became defensive.


I wrote a brief reply explaining that I was saving her emails to show a few friends, because apparently they are really misguided since they often refer to me as the "whitest" guy they ever met. I told her that even though I was white, she now could not pay me to have sex for her because while she does not see African Americans, I don't see stupid, racists.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
There's a part of me that wants to put a picture of the ladies that have that policy up with a pillow case shaped like a cone on their heads.. i know it's their body and their choice.

DM- I do see your point and I see both sides. All I can say is that we do not have that policy here against any color, religion, or creed. It has nothing to do with money, we are fine, it has to do with integrity. Some of you may ask "how much integrity can a provider have?" All I can say from OUR part enough not to discriminate against anyone for those reasons.
Bad people come in all colors and religions as well as backgrounds...

Craiglist killer - white med student from a "good family".....
I GUARANTEE you neither of you (LD, srv and any others) would feel that way if you fit into a group that was the most selected to be 'preferred' AGAINST.

I bet right now if 50 scattered providers said, "I'll see anyone except LonesomeDove and Srvfin". Initially, you wouldn't care about the first couple that you saw posting such information. But when it's DAY AFTER DAY, you've seen her pictures, read her bio, and THEN at the bottom...oh yeah, no LonesomeDove/Srvfin, it would start to wear on you. In some instances you've even called her, halfway got the appointment set up, only to get asked, "Are you LonesomeDove/Srvfin?" Even worse, you could be halfway to her incall and get asked, "Are you LonesomeDove/Srvfin? Oh, I'm sorry. I don't see.....CLICK!!

Or you may see, "I don't discriminate, but I don't see Srvfin/LonesomeDove. Sorry...just a preference.

You may catch a break where they say, "I only see Srvfin/Dove if they're over 35"

They'll give you flimsy reasons like, Guys like Dove always tries to get freebies or he's a pimp or guys like Srv's dicks are too big or I have a boyfriend named Srv and he doesn't want me seeing anyone else named Srv...sorry.

Even if the greater percentage of ladies WILL see you, it's that evergrowing group that won't see that just GNAWS at you.

The reason the question continues to surface is because DESPITE the cheapskate, freebie seeking, big dick having, wannabe pimping, rough-upping THUGS being of ALL RACES AND DEMOGRAPHICS, the only one who is ROUTINELY singled out is the black man.

Say a provider gets roughed up by two guys on different occasions. One is white and one is black. Chances are she won't remember much about the white guy. Ask her about height, approx. weight, hair color, or facial features and they SEEM to draw a blank. Ask them about the 'brotha'. "Oh, he was 5'8", about 160lbs, wore glasses, bald, talked with a squeaky voice, and had a tattoo of Biggie Smalls on his right arm." Don't get me wrong. It pisses me off to hear about ANY of these women getting hurt/robbed by ANY of these idiots. But the reports seem to be more detailed when a black guy is the culprit. Just saying.

The way I see it, there aren't enough black guys with any 'board cred' to be a problem. Chances are, the ones that are doing the screwing up DON'T USE SITES LIKE THIS. They're riff-raff who circle around CL and BP like vultures. If I or any other BM WHO USE THIS SITE mistreats one of the ladies in here, how hard would it be for them to open up a thread and tell the world how I shortchanged them or got rough? The riff raff who uses 20 different handles on BP can get away with it. I can't. So it shouldn't be a problem for me to see any provider who uses this or any other board (assuming I pass her screening). But it is, and they know who they are....and that's their 'preference'. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Rambro I hear you but you missed my point. Let me turn this around on you for a moment and see what we come up with. First, my point was proved by your post but I suspect you did not understand what I meant. There was far more to what I posted than just what was written. I’ll give you an example being that I am a white guy I know this works because I have done it.

Now for argument sake, let’s say I want to go down to Scott/Wheeler, the fifth ward or down to the docks say on Harrisburg or over into the barrio on Navigation right here in the Bayou city for some good soul food or Mexican food or some juicy BBQ. What I decide to do is that I want to go with a couple of my pals to the doo-drop in on Waco and Lyons in the heart of the fifth ward. I am a cue ball and stand out in a crowd. Do I get good service? Probably not the first time. Do I get eye-balled with comments made? Absolutely! Do I get my food? Maybe but without the pleasantries my buds receive who happen to be Brotha’s that eat at the same place. My point you ask?

Fact is what you are describing is not racism but a cultural preference based upon ethnicity. Just as I appreciate good soul food or Mexican food that I can find at places in those locations, I am smart enough to realize that I probably should not go there unless I have my black or Mexican friends with me so I can establish a relationship with the proprietors of the different places. Of course, getting in and out of the area by myself is another matter but let’s leave that for another post.

Likewise, these girls are not required to have anyone come through their door. That is the fallacy I see in your post. What a lot of people think is just because these girls do what they do means that they should see anybody that has the dinero and that they are not selective as to who they see or that they owe anyone an explanation for why they won’t see you. That is bullshit and always will be. That is the same as I don’t have to put up with garbage I see from different ethnic groups just because they feel put upon and because they think I represent “Tha Man whose keeping us down” which has always been major bullshit. If I don’t like the service I get down in the fifth ward, I move on to where I am welcomed. Keep in mind this is still Houston and racism still exists as it does in a lot of places. Some of the most racist people I have ever met are people of color be them black or purple, this is not a white man's problem it is everybody's problem.

My point to my initial post was that whining about it does nothing and what you wrote, while I am not demeaning you, is exactly what I wrote in my first post. Get your game going by making some inroads with other buds who can get you an inside track to a particular girl you want to see and then do whatever funcky town stuff you want to do with her if she is game. Just like I have my black friends help me out by building an inroad into a place where whites are not welcomed at all and sometimes won’t make it out alive if they are by themselves.

Go out and have fun guy. Don’t let it get you down but do understand from where it is coming and go to the next girl who is more accomodating.

Now trust me… I bet there are a lot more than 50 providers who won’t see me because I have had some call me an ugly mutherfucker with bad breath who has rotten teeth with a limp dick who is wrinkled, old and a broke ass sumabitch!

It is what it is until it isn’t and each person has to deal with it.
pyramider's Avatar
"Now trust me… I bet there are a lot more than 50 providers who won’t see me because I have had some call me an ugly mutherfucker with bad breath who has rotten teeth with a limp dick who is wrinkled, old and a broke ass sumabitch!"

That would describe about 90% of the turds posting on this SHB.
Randall Creed's Avatar

Well done, Anonone!!!

ibechill's Avatar
Who was it ANONONE? I guess she meant her family was ok with her being a provider, as long as she has the NBA policy. Good grief.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
That's GREAT!!!! lol