meet & greet

I went to my first meet & greet tonight and had a fantastic time. I want to thank MsElena for putting in the time and effort to make it happen. It was a good turnout.
Hope to do it again soon!
I also went to my first meet and greet tonight. I had a great time also. Thank you so much Elena for setting this up. Great bunch of guys, and lovely ladies.

It was very nice to put faces with names and see old friends and meet new ones and such a nice group of classy ladies as well tonight. It was a nice meet and greet thanks goes out to Elena for putting this together and all the planning and hard work she put into it.
I had one of the BEST times I have ever had at a meet and greet - I'll post more when I have a chance to rest up and get back to KC this weekend! AMAZING effort by Ms. Elena, and it completely paid off! I can't tell you how comfortable I was and the turn out was wonderful - new people kept stopping by ALL NIGHT LONG. The venue was close to perfect (we actually could have used a bit more room, but who knew?) and the Nebraska gentlemen were incredible. I've never met a better bunch of men in my life.

Kisses all,

- Jackie
"I've never met a better bunch of men in my life."

And you never will.
sorry to have missed it - glad you all had fun!
I agree it was a fun time, and lots of nice people. Met some new ladies, saw a few old friends, and put a face with some of the names that post on the board here.

MsElena truly did a marvelous job, and proved that she was definitely the hostest with the mostest. Having her screen everyone made it quite comfortable as well for everyone. My only regret is I couldn't have stay longer.
wild_times's Avatar
I wish I could have been there as I had planned but a change of plans occurred at the last minute. Ended up needed to cover 2nd shift at work. Sorry, Elena for having you go to the effort of checking my references

It would be nice to hear how the evening went if someone has the time to post some details. It sounds like it was fun from what was said so far!!
I have two words............Thank you!

As most know, I'm exhausted and having a hard time putting any type of coherent sentences together right now as I'm still half asleep. But, the last post was brought to my attention and I wanted to hop on to address it.

I'm sorry that some weren't able to attend last night, but I would like no details given out at this time due to discretion. We all know how much this hobby is based upon discretion and how we want to be able to trust others we meet to keep our secrets.

If any details are given, please let it be me who posts it.

I will come back to post more on this thread once I've had a little more sleep and rest.
Omahan's Avatar
Sounds like everyone had a good time. Nice job Elena!
wild_times's Avatar
Elena, yes, I see your point, sorry. I guess doing a double shift wore me out as well and I was not thinking too clearly other than just regretting not being able to attend.

Sincerely, congratulations to those who got to go!

Hopefully, there will be another opportunity in the future for those of us who didn't make it last night.
Hopefully, there will be another opportunity in the future for those of us who didn't make it last night. Originally Posted by wild_times
It is being discussed today!

Last night was such an incredible success that the planning for another meet and greet to be held as early as June has already begun (think larger venue, and a few surprises)! Elena really did an AMAZING job . . . the fact that this was an intensely vetted event combined the genuine feel of the people here in Nebraska that attended put everyone at ease, add in Elena being a most gracious and thoughtful host, and it was just an amazing evening. And, she even made TAMALES! YUM!

More soon . . .


- Jackie
It is being discussed today! Kisses, - Jackie Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis
Late August?
While having another M & G is probably a really good idea, I'm not sure a person wants to schedule too many too close together. I think SR's idea of maybe the end of August might be a good time frame. I think keeping it a little farther apart will help keep the attendance up, plus we wouldn't want to burn Elena out. Just my 2 cents.
Late August? Originally Posted by SR Only
I know that we've probably ruled out June (various schedule conflicts) and we're looking at possibly the first or second Thursday in July (most likely the 7th).

That would set the stage for a late August party following one in early July . . . I'm getting wet with anticipation already SR, I can't wait to . . . meet . . . you.

A six to eight week interval seems to have worked very well in other cities, and the goal is to take the "best" parts of what has worked elsewhere and put a Midwestern spin on it while keeping what is working so well here in Omaha. We have all agreed that the death knell in some other cities has been not holding them often enough - we don't want to lose momentum but we don't want to have an event so often it loses the charm. And, it was indeed a charming evening.

Of course, we'll all have to hope Elena can keep on keeping on, she's so tired today she actually (literally) walked into a wall - and she had entire conversations last night while packing up that she has no memory of today . . . I think she was actually sleep walking for a little while there at the end. She won't like me saying so, but it was kind of cute . . LOL.


- Jackie