Utr phenomenom!

Shout out to my eccie homies Hans solmo, alysso 71, darthmo, my best home slice pxo, champo Bruno da great and seeko po da great, tryweako, amillo etc.....Please explain to me eccie land the utr deal. i hear that word thrown around as if that's a badge of honor. Like she's only p4p for dat particular hobbyist. Foooking laughable. Why talk about the chick if you have no intention of sharing the info? You know she's probably utr for aat least 100 more dudes or whoever has some money lol, but hey I guess I'll let you'll ride thinking she's sitting at home waiting on you to call. The foookery and pissing contests of the hobby! Tooodlez....
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
UTR's usually don't know how marketable they are Or that sites like this even exist so dudes are afraid they'll increase rates if fellow mongers start whispering in their ears.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Shout out to my eccie homies Hans solmo, alysso 71, darthmo, my best home slice pxo, champo Bruno da great and seeko po da great, tryweako, amillo etc.....Please explain to me eccie land the utr deal. i hear that word thrown around as if that's a badge of honor. Like she's only p4p for dat particular hobbyist. Foooking laughable. Why talk about the chick if you have no intention of sharing the info? You know she's probably utr for aat least 100 more dudes or whoever has some money lol, but hey I guess I'll let you'll ride thinking she's sitting at home waiting on you to call. The foookery and pissing contests of the hobby! Tooodlez.... Originally Posted by shinepro

It is what it is, UTR's do exist and do make money on the side. Some providers actually have private lives and are making enough money that they don't need the attention of a great review. If you don't like it, tough shit.
I think you are making a "mountain out of a molehill" shine.
How do those Molasses smell?
  • pxmcc
  • 11-27-2018, 04:26 PM
they real shine. i have between 2 and 4 utrs at any given time. i used to call them "my team," but people thought i was a pimp or some shit, so i realized that utr was a better understood term in the hobby. i even reviewed one lol.
I figured SA would be a way to find no drama, sane UTR's.
Not so much.
It is what it is, UTR's do exist and do make money on the side. Some providers actually have private lives and are making enough money that they don't need the attention of a great review. If you don't like it, tough shit. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Say guys thanks for the input on the thread. Dear John, do Jo, like what the foook is wrong with you. Why the foook are you so cranky all the time dude. You think I give a foook what a chick does with her pussy. Please. I'm not the average hobbyist, most of the time I could give a rats ass about getting some pussy these days, especially p4p. I occasionally have the need or I might just see one if I want premium access but beyond that I'm becoming less and less interested honestly. Lighten up dude, I've done nothing to you. Tooodlez...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Say guys thanks for the input on the thread. Dear John, do Jo, like what the foook is wrong with you. Why the foook are you so cranky all the time dude. You think I give a foook what a chick does with her pussy. Please. I'm not the average hobbyist, most of the time I could give a rats ass about getting some pussy these days, especially p4p. I occasionally have the need or I might just see one if I want premium access but beyond that I'm becoming less and less interested honestly. Lighten up dude, I've done nothing to you. Tooodlez... Originally Posted by shinepro

I'm tired of you and sc's bullshit. It's that simple.
TryWeakly's Avatar

I'm tired of you and sc's bullshit. It's that simple. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

I'm tired of you and sc's bullshit. It's that simple. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
You have a problem with alot of people do Jo, then you lecture sc about compassion on his other thread. Like dat shit is foooking hilarious. One minute you're preaching compassion then the next you are being an ass to a person who never thinks about you. But hey that's you're foooking niseey to lug around. Isn't that tiresome? I pray you find peace in your life. Tooodlez