No Call. No Show. Not my style!

AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
In response to the AlbanyBlonde Review, posted by Sam54, yesterday.
I have never stood up anyone. People who have seen me know I am vigilant about confirming our date.
I had contacted Sam54, via email and text message, to cancel our appt. I cancelled 3 hours before we were scheduled to meet at 11:00 am. I have provided Delivery Reports and copies of both to Sam54, and a Moderator on eccie.
I do not provide my cell number until I have personally met someone. Clients have provided their mobile numbers, and I have called at their request.
On a different note, if I flew off the handle every time I had a cancellation, I'd be on Lithium. The cancellation rate in this business is very high. Plans change and things happen, I understand that. I would never stand someone up, nor have I ever. Apparently Jon Colden, is privy to information the rest of use are not. Thank you once again Mr Colden, for reminding us all how unreliable I am. I cannot recall a situation to support your claim, nor can I find any Thread that relates to that topic. Apparently youve got the inside scoop on me thats so secret, I'm not even aware of it!
I am truly sorry things reached this point, but I made every effort to contact Sam54, within a reasonable cancellation time frame.
does Jon Colden ever review anyone?
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
For the record, I have never corresponded with, or met with Jon Colden.
olderguy1948's Avatar
I have had the pleasure of the company of this lady on a couple occasions. She is legit and very accomadating, even when my plans got screwed up. Autumn, keep you chin up and your smile beaming, those who know you know you are the real deal.
i have also met this fine lady and every thing went as planed.i would not hasatate to see her again if things were better.
jamesm637119's Avatar
AlbanyBlonde don't wast your time with people that don't matter you have your rep and it stands your very pretty and a classy someday would love to meet but anyway you seem like a great girl.
Autumn, I'm glad everything has been cleared up with Sam54.

Don't lose any sleep over Jon Colden. Unsubstantiated badmouthing like his is not appreciated around here.
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and support!
It means a lot to me, and it shows that I have achieved the reputation I have worked hard for.
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
I dont loose sleep over trivial bs. Obviously I make him feel insecure, and he needs to lash out so that he may sleep at night.
jamesm637119's Avatar
This is very crazy AB just be safe my dear/
Jon Colden the good looking guy? That John Colden, no shit...