Is it OK to post an "old" review?

EastBeast504's Avatar
I'm fairly new to this hobby and I just joined up here not too long ago. I'd like to start building up some reviews, because most providers are hesitant to talk to a "newbie" like myself.
I have only been with 3 providers so far, all 3 of them I actually found on other websites though, not on here. Although I did do some searching on one the providers that I HAVE been with to see if they do have profiles on here. And I did find one of them on here, because I remember her telling me that she was from Houston. So I searched painstakingly through all the Houston providers and low and behold I found her profile. But I visited with her back in May, long before I became a member on here. So basically I'm asking, "Is it OK to post a review on her being that my visit with her was almost 6 months ago?"
As long as you put the correct date and the information is still relevant, sure, why not?

We can't issue Premium Access credit for such an old review, but you can certainly contribute the review for the benefit of your fellow members.

St. C
EastBeast504's Avatar
Well....I am not sure of the EXACT date, I just remember that it was sometime in May of this year. I remember all the other details though.
Does not matter in one regard because you won't receive PA credit. But you will have a review posted and that's valuable. If I was in your shoes, I'd post it on my local board. In fact, I did the exact same with my first review and it has worked out well since then. You need to built a persona on your local board.
EastBeast504's Avatar
Does not matter in one regard because you won't receive PA credit. But you will have a review posted and that's valuable. If I was in your shoes, I'd post it on my local board. In fact, I did the exact same with my first review and it has worked out well since then. You need to built a persona on your local board. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged

That's pretty much what I was thinking as well. I was just gonna post it in my local board, but put "Mid May 2015" as the date. I know I won't get credit for it, but at least it's a start.
ck1942's Avatar
It is a start, and if she is an established provider, and if she remembers your vist, ask her to vouch for you to see other providers.

In your home area, search for providers who advertise as being "newbie friendly" to start getting more into the community.

You should also consider membership in and purchasing premium access here as adjuncts to your research.