Workout routine thread

Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-05-2016, 01:16 PM

Talk about what workout routines everyone (including providers) do to not look like total shit.
Its Me Again's Avatar
I do 30 minutes of hiit cardio 5 days a week in the morning and lift weights 6 days a week in the afternoons or evenings. I also add in one addition day of longer low intensity cardio training. I also prepare all my meals at home based on my specific nutrition needs and take them with me to work to consume throughout the day. It's definitely a lifestyle.
Chaataca's Avatar
I do 30 minutes of hiit cardio 5 days a week in the morning and lift weights 6 days a week in the afternoons or evenings. I also add in one addition day of longer low intensity cardio training. I also prepare all my meals at home based on my specific nutrition needs and take them with me to work to consume throughout the day. It's definitely a lifestyle. Originally Posted by Its Me Again
Pretty much this. Although my lifting is also done in the morning, and my extra cardio is done by consciously going out and being active (hiking, swimming, etc).

The meal prep is by far the biggest pain in the ass, but also the most rewarding since you can see massive body transformation once you get the meals in line.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I work out, but eat like shit too much. Most of it consists of the basic 'guy' stuff. Pushups, sit-ups, tricep presses. Curls. Running, biking. I need to incorporate variations of these, but never do. Then I stop working out, for no definable reason, and lose ground. Then get pissed because I haven't made any gains (or weight, that is).

After loafing around for a while, I recommit. Then start the process all over again.

Rinse and repeat.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-05-2016, 03:37 PM
I definitely need to hit up more HIIT workouts. My workouts are pretty standard splits but I am actually going to try out that "Body Beast" program that I downloaded after watching some of an infomercial. Something new might be interesting.

My HIIT cardio is about 20 minutes but consists of a metric ton of burpees, so it's not simple by any means. I do admit I need to do more meal planning and up my vegetable intake.
I've started 30-60min of hiit mon-fri early mornings before I eat anything. I try to fit in some weights if I have time, enough to feel sore a few times per week though. And whatever quick ab workout I just saved on pintrest.

I have started meal prepping in advance too. It's just easier. Lots of turkey wraps and steamed veggies. Whatever is quick, cheap and easy.
micktoz's Avatar
4 to 5 times a week, I lift for about an hour then do an hour spin/cycle class.
Old fat boy is fit.

Also forgot, I like to play in bed with ladies at least 3 times a week. Good cardio there.
My workouts are 6 days a week. 4 days of weightlifting with supersets depending on what muscle group I'm working. 2 days of HIIT cardio for 30 mins.

My Diet consents of lean meats, complex carbs, and whole grains. I try to stay away from all the simple sugars for the most part but I do indulge every once in a while.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Chest & Biceps. Heavy
Flat bench go up to 345
Incline 315
Shoulders and Legs Light
Wednesday Back and Triceps Light
Chest and Biceps Light
Flat at 245 5 x10
Incline 225 3x10
Shoulders and Legs. Heavy
Back and Triceps Heavy
Sunday not shit rest
30 min spinner bike first thing in morning with black coffee and empty stomach
Lifting faster
Crossfit 3x per week
Run 3 miles 2x per week
Eat mostly zoned primal 90% of the time
Eat like total shit 10% of the time
Lots of sex
Cigars, IPA's, and whiskey

Just getting back into it. But love feeling better
Its Me Again's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chaataca;1058234766]Pretty much this. Although my lifting is also done in the morning, and my extra cardio is done by consciously going out and being active (hiking, swimming, etc).

The meal prep is by far the biggest pain in the ass, but also the most rewarding since you can see massive body transformation once you get the meals in
Its Me Again's Avatar
I definitely need to hit up more HIIT workouts. My workouts are pretty standard splits but I am actually going to try out that "Body Beast" program that I downloaded after watching some of an infomercial. Something new might be interesting.

My HIIT cardio is about 20 minutes but consists of a metric ton of burpees, so it's not simple by any means. I do admit I need to do more meal planning and up my vegetable intake. Originally Posted by Aoi

You'll really enjoy Body Beast. Sagi is an excellent trainer and his program is legit.
playerplano's Avatar

I have started meal prepping in advance too. It's just easier. Lots of turkey wraps and steamed veggies. Whatever is quick, cheap and easy. Originally Posted by THN

Ha ha ha quick ,cheap and easy ? You aren't cheap but you are easy !

I'm just starting meal prep and I agree it is 80% what you eat. I'll also be taking a workout class heavy on HIIT 5 days a week.
I hit the gym 4-6 times a week. Stretch. Cardio for 2.5-3 miles. More stretching, abs, 12 laps, more stretching, abs, then Sauna
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-05-2016, 07:25 PM
Ha ha ha quick ,cheap and easy ? You aren't cheap but you are easy !

I'm just starting meal prep and I agree it is 80% what you eat. I'll also be taking a workout class heavy on HIIT 5 days a week. Originally Posted by playerplano
I like cheap and easy